Censorship on Social Media II

When you think of 2016-2021, what major events do you think of?  If you did not think of censorship of Christians and Jews on social media, you absolutely must read this. No one likes to talk about censorship.  It is boring, and disgusting much like abortion. Remember abortion’s biggest defense is that it is so foul… Continue reading Censorship on Social Media II

Serve like our Savior: Jesus Christ

I like to live life knowing that Jesus Christ won the war of good vs evil, yet striving to serve God the way Jesus did.  Though we know Jesus Christ already won the war for good, we ought to serve him as if the importance of our servitude was the difference between Heaven or Hell. … Continue reading Serve like our Savior: Jesus Christ

Want to get downvoted? Tell people about Judgement Day

Judgement Day is a fact. Everyone will be judged. Those who came to saving faith, lived, and tried to follow Jesus are automatically pardoned (Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 10:9). The rest, you must plead and hope that God is merciful. It is terrible to live your entire life in uncertainty gambling your eternal afterlife. It is… Continue reading Want to get downvoted? Tell people about Judgement Day

Tribute to Stan Lee, Superpowers, and beyond with Jesus Christ.

Today I wrote on Super Heroes here with no knowledge of Stan Lee passing: https://old.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/9wl38j/more_psalm_135/?st=jof6qce2&sh=4ae7f238 Stan Lee was an amazing Human Being. He inspired people to be good and want to be heroes. He made us think how awesome it would be to have superpowers. We know with God, we can get superpowers in this life… Continue reading Tribute to Stan Lee, Superpowers, and beyond with Jesus Christ.

Attitude of Gratitude

Photo Credit: https://hopeithelps.org/2015/01/13/step-2-of-10-steps-to-bliss-experiencing-gratitude/ Disclaimer: Opinions expressed by website attributed with the photo credit are their own, FSS does neither claim to advocate or disagree with them explicitly. In life there may be times where the only thing you control is your attitude. Ever hear a teacher tell a kid in school,”You have a bad attitude.”? That is… Continue reading Attitude of Gratitude

Even Losers Get “Lucky” Sometimes

Photo Credit: http://www.jesuspersevered.org/blog/why-does-a-good-god-let-bad-things-happen-james-117 Disclaimer: Opinions expressed by website attributed with the photo credit are their own, FSS does neither claim to advocate or disagree with them explicitly. If your first thought on reading the title is, “Don’t call people names.”, you’re in the right boat. As Christians we’re called to love everyone and not call people… Continue reading Even Losers Get “Lucky” Sometimes

Don’t Let the World Bring You Down

Photo Credit: http://www.imgneed.com/crusaders-knights-templar-wallpapers.html Disclaimer: Opinions expressed by website attributed with the photo credit are their own, FSS does neither claim to advocate or disagree with them explicitly. God has won the victory with Jesus’ death on the cross.  The victory is secure, and time is playing out as the angels marvel at how people’s lives… Continue reading Don’t Let the World Bring You Down