Everything God Makes is Awesome, and He Made You!

Look I know God is real. I just do. Trust me. He sends dozens of supernatural miracles my way, some of which you can read at www.goodnewsjim.com. He sends me miracles that are hard to explain and edge case so I don’t document them on the web. He tells me out of control funny, trolly jokes… Continue reading Everything God Makes is Awesome, and He Made You!

A collection of miracles experienced by Jim III

#1 Butterfly miracle Once I was in my mom’s driveway. I prayed to pick up a butterfly and it did not fly away. So I reached over, picked it up.  My mom was amazed.  I was happy. I lifted my hand up vigorously to have it fly away. It stayed attached.  I figured the guy… Continue reading A collection of miracles experienced by Jim III