Respect Every Religion? Really?

People who listen to culture tend to get their values bent up. They want to say sweeping grand generalizations about complicated issues. One such generalization is the statement: You should respect everyone’s religion no matter what it is or you’re ignorant. Let us examine this. Is every religion worth respecting? Some religions are made up… Continue reading Respect Every Religion? Really?

Racism Is Evil

I searched the archives, and I have several posts explaining that racism is a sin. They are widely regarded as accepted too showing that the grand majority of people are against racism. When confronted with a hateful event, we must be careful not to become a hater ourself less we become the evil that we… Continue reading Racism Is Evil

Catfishers Beware

Let me define a term: Catfisher. Catfishers are people pretending to be beautiful women or men, but they want you to give them credit card info, or steal your personal information. There are many scammers online and calling your phone daily, but catfishers are the worst of the worst. A man or woman is looking… Continue reading Catfishers Beware