Support Israel. Vote out politicians who don’t!

The Jewish people are our brothers and sisters in loving the God of Israel. The God of Israel is the Father of Jesus. Christians should love everyone, especially Christians and Jews.

Omar has said several antisemetic things against the Jewish people in the past. It culminated recently when she wants to defund Israel comparing them to the very Nazis that oppressed the Jewish people!. That is not only racist to say, but is also treasonous because Israel is our ally in this time of conflict against terrorists. Omar cleverly says her words so she does not denounce AlQueda too. Many are calling her proterrorism which does seem to fit the bill if she is antiIsrael.

Read one of Omar’s many appalling racial statements here:

Just recently the state department added this statement as an official AntiSemitic saying:
In addition to Omar and her supporters the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions movement is also uncovered as AntiSemetic:

Other Illhan Omar quotes people called out as antiSemetic:
“I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is okay to push for allegiance to a foreign country.”  She is accusing people who believe in the Bible to support Israel.  This is an offense against Christians and the Bible.  In a lot of ways, it doesn’t seem major, but she is a politician and she has to be careful with her words to hide her true racism.  She doesn’t get elected if people awaken and realize she is a racist.

Here’s another statement she tweets: “Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and see the evil doings of Israel” I would expect this to be the tweet of an Isis member, not a US congress person.

Those are not her only racist quotes either. Those two quotes are from who leans to the left so they word their whole article spun for damage control, but those quotes stand on themselves as someone who doesn’t like Israel of their supporters.  The article is here, ignore the spin, read her quotes:

Let there be light if this is the first you have heard of this. Many democratic senators stand with this antisemetic hater. It is every Christians duty to not vote for candidates who hate Israel, or candidates that stand with the haters of Israel! If you vote for people who hate Israel, you are placing a curse on Israel and also upon yourself because of Genesis 12. Don’t stand for racists in Congress. Do research yourself. Can you vote her out or those representatives who support her next election? You can be literally blessed by God if you do.

The Lord said to Abram, “Leave your country, your relatives, and your father’s home, and go to a land that I am going to show you. 2 I will give you many descendants, and they will become a great nation. I will bless you and make your name famous, so that you will be a blessing.

Genesis12:1 (GNT)

God eternally is for his people of Israel, and God is never wrong so I am for Israel too! We see in this Romans passage that we should not get so prideful of knowing the truth of Jesus that we look down at the original worshipers of the God of Israel too. 

If you know your Bible, Abraham is the Father of Isaac, the Father of Jacob who God renamed in a tremendous miracle experience to Israel. Israel is the Father of the Israelites. Israel is the Father of Judah whom the Jews get their name from. When you curse or support those who curse Israel, you are cursing Abraham and curses will come upon yourself. Not everyone knows this or what schemes Omar has been up to, but you know now. Raise awareness to others and vote.

I am speaking now to you Gentiles: As long as I am an apostle to the Gentiles, I will take pride in my work. 14 Perhaps I can make the people of my own race jealous, and so be able to save some of them. 15 For when they were rejected, all other people were changed from God’s enemies into his friends. What will it be, then, when they are accepted? It will be life for the dead!16 If the first piece of bread is given to God, then the whole loaf is his also; and if the roots of a tree are offered to God, the branches are his also. 17 Some of the branches of the cultivated olive tree have been broken off, and a branch of a wild olive tree has been joined to it. You Gentiles are like that wild olive tree, and now you share the strong spiritual life of the Jews. 18 So then, you must not despise those who were broken off like branches. How can you be proud? You are just a branch; you don’t support the roots—the roots support you.19 But you will say, “Yes, but the branches were broken off to make room for me.” 20 That is true. They were broken off because they did not believe, while you remain in place because you do believe. But do not be proud of it; instead, be afraid. 21 God did not spare the Jews, who are like natural branches; do you think he will spare you? 22 Here we see how kind and how severe God is. He is severe toward those who have fallen, but kind to you—if you continue in his kindness. But if you do not, you too will be broken off. 23 And if the Jews abandon their unbelief, they will be put back in the place where they were; for God is able to do that. 24 You Gentiles are like the branch of a wild olive tree that is broken off and then, contrary to nature, is joined to a cultivated olive tree. The Jews are like this cultivated tree; and it will be much easier for God to join these broken-off branches to their own tree again.

Romans11:13-24 (GNT)

If you become proud of your saved status and then are off putting to the Children of Israel, you are sinning. Christians and Jews both worship the same God. The first Christians are Jewish(they live today because of Jesus).  Peter and the apostles are Jewish. We both keep the Ten Commandments. We both worship Love. We share all the scripture of the Old Testament. They just haven’t put two and two together to see all the prophecies in the Old Testament that point to a suffering Messiah who would come to be a living sacrifice to once and for all take away the sins of the world. When Jesus returns, they surely will know him because he will fulfill the other prophecies of Israel’s restoration and eternal peace. 

Read again this part of the above verse:

So then, you must not despise those who were broken off like branches. How can you be proud? You are just a branch; you don’t support the roots—the roots support you.19 But you will say, “Yes, but the branches were broken off to make room for me.” 20 That is true. They were broken off because they did not believe, while you remain in place because you do believe. But do not be proud of it; instead, be afraid.

Romans11:18-20 (GNT)

So please have no ill will towards our fellow believers in Jehovah, the God of Israel. We are called to love everyone. We should especially love those who worship our Father. Peter and the original apostles are Jewish. The first Christians are Jewish. If you read your Bible, you would know how important it is to be loving towards the descendants of Abraham. Maybe in your love they will listen to the prophecies of Jesus and believe too. If you hate people, they don’t want to hear from you, and for good reason.

Choose to be blessed. Choose to love the Israelites. I know their God is real. Even if they all don’t know Jesus yet, love them! Hate is never right. Politicians wanting to not support our ally Israel is a form of insurrection and further exposes their true colors of antisemitism. As Christians, we should support Israel, and not vote for people racist against Jewish people. For when we vote for people against Israel, we support their actions and bring literal curses upon ourselves. Choose a blessing or a curse upon yourself. Love the descendants of Israel and your God, and be blessed. Or be a hater against God and Israel and be cursed.

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