In Praise of Beauty

There is beauty on Earth. You look anywhere at God’s creation. You will see rocks. You look down into the most downtrodden rocks used by man in a driveway, and in some of them, you see crystals of quartz. Quartz crystals sparkle, mesmerize and fill you with wonder. Anyone can be a rock collector and appreciate the different aspects of rocks and metals and crystals.

You look up at the stars, they are beautiful by night. Fireflies (Lightning bugs) are beautiful at night too, but they don’t come out in every season. Appreciate them when they’re around. During the day, the dance of a month is extremely beautiful. Perhaps the moth is trained by God to dance in the air as to not be an easy target by predators, but it becomes a joy just to watch. While your attention is focused on this beautiful moth, a butterfly may flutter by. Butterflies have elaborate colors and are often larger.

Once I prayed to pick up a butterfly to impress my mom. I reached down, it got on my hand. She’s looking at me stunned and she asked me something like,”Why didn’t it fly away?” Then I smiled and tossed my hand up to let him go. It didn’t leave, it stayed fixed to my hand. I tried tossing him a couple more times and he wouldn’t go, so I laughed. I said something like,”Little guy, you can go. Thanks for listening to God when I prayed for you to stay.” then I tossed my hand up a time or two again and he flew away.

There is beauty in plants. Most people think of flowers and flowers are grand. I am happy already with just basic green plants. I look deeply into each plant whether useful to man or just a weed. There are many different patterns and full looking structures if you look close enough. If your eyes aren’t good enough to see em, take a magnifying glass or microscope. Plants are so interesting to look at! I thank God there are so many different plants everywhere and not often a mono culture.

Even if you look at the same species of plant, various plants of the same species are unique. One plant might be tall, another’s short. One might have many seeds, another might have few or small seeds. Another of the same species of plant might have different colored flowers. They might produce fruit with different taste. Different plants of the same species might have different types of leaves. The modern field of genetics started with a humble Christian Scientist gardener in Gregor Mendel. Science in its own right can produce beauty to thank God with, but you need to be able to appreciate both science and God to do so.

Today’s culture tries to shame one who enjoys beauty. In everyone gets a participation trophy culture, no one wants to point out beauty because it might make others feel insecure. So talking about beauty is demonized and men who appreciate beauty are declared perverts because society fell into Satan’s lie that outer beauty can’t be appreciated. It is terrible too because then people secretly try and work out their desires via pornography and that actually is a true perversion. If you use porn, stop, because every view supports human slavery trafficking, dehumanizes people, and even spreads incurable diseases.

While porn is a sin, I don’t think talking about beauty is sin. God made beauty in nature and in people. The Bible speaks well of outer beauty, but it speaks higher of more inner beauty.

Beauty in a woman without good judgment is like a gold ring in a pig’s snout.

Proverbs 11:22 (GNT).

A lot of us know of tales of people who married on looks alone, then the couple had non stop arguments, and wound up hating each other resulting in divorce. The story of Samson and how he reacts to three different women show that he was just out for outer beauty without caring about the inner beauty. The first girl he met, he just ran home to tell his parents he wanted to marry her. The only reason one wants to marry at first sight is outer beauty. The next girl he slept with was a prostitute. We should avoid prostitutes with a righteous rejection to never do so, but Samson was just looking at beauty. And Delilah must have been a looker too because Samson stuck with her when he knew she was actively trying to kill him! This was all to happen for Israel to be free for some years though, so don’t fault Samson. You don’t want to fault any of God’s people in the Bible too hard anyway, since you’ll meet em in Heaven some day, and God might tell em to their face what you thought of them!

So anyway, don’t just go for outer beauty alone. You need inner beauty too. You need inner beauty more in fact! The Bible has many lists of inner beauty. I’m going to think of ones I remember and ones I admire.

The inner beauty I admire the most is being able to be chill and not treat life like a soap opera. Do you know non Christian people watch Soap Operas as how we should be acting like people in society? I’m not kidding. Some people are out for drama because they think it is what life is all about. They fell for Satan’s lie that life should be like a Soap Opera. Life is so so much better chillin and being laid back. The cool people know this. This is my idea of the first core concept of inner beauty.

Another inner beauty I admire is kindness. A person who is just good and nice to all is cool. A woman who treats others better than herself while also treating herself well is a beautiful thing. A woman who never shouts at the waiter is cool. A woman who doesn’t road rage and curse at a bunch at other drivers is cool. A woman who doesn’t look up or down at people due to their status in life is also kind. Kindness is an inner beauty.

Another inner beauty I admire is trust. There is no need to elaborate this. We trust each other to stay faithful and not lie to one another.

Another inner beauty I admire is intelligence and education. I find a strong correlation between a smart person and how high caliber their sense humor is. The best humor is done in the midst of a conversation, and to form high quality jokes while conversation is going on requires a lot of brain power. To give a glimpse of how I think in a conversation: I am constantly thinking of analogies, rhymes, play on words, situational sayings on the aspects. Then I take something vaguely relevant and try and humor it up. If it comes out not funny, or funny but too crude, I just don’t say it.

A person without a high intelligence can’t do this type of brain work during an ordinary conversation. If you can’t, it’s okay. Not everyone operates at this level, but those who do have an extra level of inner beauty. Even among my smart friends, if we have an off day, we declare we are on,”Witless Protection Program”, and you can no longer friendly trash talk them, or get the wrath of trash talking from the rest of the party. And may God help your soul if you try and take everyone on at once in Risk after you got everyone against you. Of course, if the friend on Witless Protection Program trash talks anyone else, they must immediately recognize their error and sincerely apologize because they blow their cover and become an extra valid target for friendly trash talk.

I could date a girl without an extremely high iq. It is important, but it isn’t as important as kindness and trust. I just look for both outer and inner beauty though to start off dating. If we fall in love, and get married, I don’t care what happens as we get old or health happens or accidents happen. Once your married, you don’t leave your spouse. Staying loving to your spouse even when they get hit with catastrophe is an extreme act of love. For better or worse yo.

If you’re thinking to yourself,”All that expectations are too much!” First, realize not every dude is like me. Some dudes like different things. But more importantly, I think some people train themselves to not think they’re beautiful when they’re fine looking.

Society says extremely thin people are beautiful. And yes, a person thin and in shape is widely regarded as more beautiful than someone who is obese. Yet society influenced by the devil takes it to a wicked extreme. There used to be fashion magazines who looked for the thinnest of women for photographs then they used digital alteration(Photoshop) to make them impossibly thin. Women like these magazines and after viewing enough of them, they judge themselves by that standard. Some women have gotten eating disorders trying to become an idol of impossible proportions. On top of that, not a lot of dudes go, “Hey, look at how radically thin that girl is. That is the girl I want just from her out of control extreme thinness.” Society pushes an impossible standard so if you judge yourself against that, you’ll never think of yourself as beautiful.

Society likes to sell make up. I don’t care how many pock marks, beauty marks, wrinkles, discolorations or anything you have on your face. I find imperfections in a face a beautiful thing in itself. Really, honestly, personally, I’d rather have my girlfriend not feel the need to wear makeup. Makeup doesn’t do anything for me. That is me personally. Using makeup is one of those things women do because the marketing agents want to make you feel like something is wrong with you, so you buy their product. Marketers are driven to make you feel not beautiful in a way that tris to screw with your mind. Right now, know there is a conscious effort to screw with your mind and tell you your not beautiful just because they’re greedy and want to make money. Hopefully this helps a few women.

Personally I have psoriasis. It is some sort of tame non contagious condition that manifests in people with high metabolism and hyperactivity. My skin produces skin cells at such an excessive rate that some looks dry and flaky. It doesn’t cause me pain, and I don’t think about it much, except when I was young before I had a girlfriend. It was some sort of psychosis I had where I felt no woman would like me because I have dry skin. So to compensate, I became the biggest try hard I could, excelling in school, athletics to some degree, and video games.

Eventually I did meet a girl online. I didn’t know what she looked until after maybe a year of online love letters and humor exchanging. When I met her, she was literally the most attractive woman I ever met. I sure wish I knew God was real then for I would know the only way this would happen is if God did it. She was 1 in a million for outer beauty alone. But she had great inner beauty, humor, intelligence and was chill and loved me right. When she discovered I had psoriasis, she said she didn’t care. Once she said that, my psychosis that no one would love me because of my dry skin dropped immediately. Instead it was replaced with,”If anyone has a problem with it, it is their problem.”

I wish there was some way I could tell you straight up, “Whatever you have as an issue in your body that makes you think no one will love you.”, just drop that hang up like its nothing. Unless you physically cannot be intimate, there’s nothing stopping you from finding a fun marriage. Even intimate-less marriages are possible if you find someone who can’t be or they themselves don’t even care about that stuff. Seriously though, if you have no health problems, the worst you can have is that you have a bit too much weight on you, and everyone without a health condition can get to a healthy weight. All you gotta do if you have weight is treat it like an adventure to go on walks and maybe move your arms around. Drop the soda. This will sound incredibly dumb(because it is), but I deliberately went out of shape just so I could have the quest and adventure to get back into shape. Please don’t go out of shape on purpose, but it is a super fun adventure to walk many miles and move your arms around. You don’t even need to do painful push ups or lift, just get movin, it is fun!

Seriously, free your mind! Don’t have any hang-ups! Go for walks! There is no one who cannot lose weight if they put in the time and miles. I am giving you no diet advice except to drink less sugary drinks. Maybe even hit the gym. The gym is only a couple bucks with all the competition now. The gym serves two purposes. First, you stay for a few hours and might meet someone. Secondly, if you meet no one, the chances of someone being interested in you improve after every visit.

I truly hope your hangups are gone, and no one should feel unlovable: Look, society is gonna lie to you about you needing makeup. You don’t need it. Society is going to lie to you about you needing to be a stick figure degree of thinness. Don’t fall for their lies. Another thing that is a borderline lie is,”No one on the outside is more beautiful than another.” They say this because they don’t want jealousy or something. Jealously is a sin, so don’t be the villain of Snow White, right? It is a lie though that no one on the outside is more beautiful than the other. Biblically, attractiveness is also an absolute factor even though beauty can sometimes be in the eye of the beholder.

There were no other women in the whole world as beautiful as Job’s daughters.

Job 42:15 (GNT).

Since beauty is a thing of God, and God can make one person more beautiful than another, pray for it in yourself and your descendants. When people ask you to bless a baby, or you see one for the first time, pray,”I pray this baby grows up strong, athletic, healthy, beautiful inside and out, smart, educated, and great faith in Jesus.” Just remember there are far far more important things than being attractive. So when you pray for beauty, and thank him for what you got, tell God that this prayer is infinitely less important than feeding the poor, curing the sick, or establishing good government across the world.

Some people try and write off the book of Song of Solomon because it is so passionate about a man and woman in love. But lets remember our Bible before hand. What was the thing you found boring the most on your first reading? You probably found all the begets boring. Man, God really cares about people having kids I guess… Wait! That is awesome, yo! God Have a lot of care about myself finding an awesome spouse and having kids! I mean, God, you’ve cared about descendants since the beginning, so maybe you’d get stoked if I asked you to get stoked about my marriage and spouse. And when God is stoked and all for us, who knows what supernatural awesomeness will occur!

I remember Sarah laughing when she was promised a child at around 90 years old.

So Sarah laughed to herself and said,”Now that I am old and worn out, can I still enjoy sex? And besides, my husband is old too.” Genesis: 18:13 Then the LORD asked Abraham,”Why did Sarah laugh and say,’Can I really have a child when I am so old?’ 14 Is anything too hard for the LORD? As I said, nine months from now I will return, and Sarah will have a son.” 15 Because Sarah was afraid, she denied it,”I didn’t laugh,” she said. “Yes, you did”, he(God) replied. “You laughed”

Genesis 18:12-15 (GNT).

Now a lot of people read this and see God deadpanning Sarah and they think this is the end of the joke. Nah, read between the lines. Sarah laughed at,”Now that I am old and worn out, can I still enjoy sex?” Then God took this as a personal challenge because he’s cool like that. If God is accidentally challenged that he can’t give her good sex, he likely increased her capacity for sex in that moment so much that it may have actually been the most incredible pleasure he ever bestowed on anyone! If you’re not buying that, remember Sarah and Abraham do name their child Isaac. Isaac means laughter. So there definitely was ‘a supernatural event’ here.

Now we shouldn’t go like idiots to God,”God, I challenge you to make my sex amazing!” That reeks of arrogance and disrespect. Sarah did it accidentally so it was cool. And don’t feign doing it on accident either because God knows your motives. If you want supernatural blessings on your sex and you’re married, ask God respectfully. You do know that you should be praying before every time you get intimate with your spouse, right? And if the moment develops too fast for prayer, pray during it. People pray before they eat and that is holy and right. Does everyone know we should also be praying about our sex and children?

Anyway, God cares about descendants. In Abraham’s case, he promised a race from his loins that numbers more than the stars! We should care about descendants too and not just amazing, super natural sex. Pray for your descendants to be healthy, athletic, beautiful, faithful in Jesus forever, guided by God, protected, smart and to be educated, witty, think on their feet, etc. I like my hyperactivity so I probably am putting unnecessary parenting burdens on myself when I tell God that I would like my children to also be hyperactive. You tell God what you want in your descendants. It is up to you. You can ask for this, ya know? You should be talking to God about your descendants.

Yes God cares about descendants and we should too. Here is another place talking about them. Let us read the first Two Commandments out of the Ten Commandments.

God spoke, and these were his words:2″ I am the LORD your God who brought you out of Egypt, where you were slaves. 3 Worship no god but me. 4 “Do not make for yourselves images of anything in heaven or on earth or in the water under the earth. Do not bow down to any idol or worship it, because I am the LORD your God and I tolerate no rivals. I bring punishment on those who hate me and on their descendants down to the third and fourth generation. But I show my love to thousands of generations of those who love me and obey my laws.

Exodus 20:1-4 (GNT).

Wow! He shows his love to thousands of generations of those who love him. So if you love him and your immediate kids love him, then the next thousands get a double blessing. Blessings from you for thousands of generations and blessings from your kid for thousands of generations. If you could have a legacy to pass to your kids, so say the next thousand generations obey and love Jehovah, God of Israel, that would mean the generations following would have blessings a thousand fold more powerful! There is no limit to blessings and you want God blessing your marriage bed as much as you can convince the guy, and blessing your descendants lives!

Yes, God cares about descendants. Suddenly those begets are not as boring. Sarah laughing is not just deadpan humor from God, but a blessing everyone would desire. The Ten Commandments are not just rules not to do, but a declaration of a fun blessing to those who obey Him.

So knowing that God does bless the love between man and a woman, one can read the Song of Solomon and see that which God praises as beautiful. The passion is beautiful. Praises to God for the beauty he puts all across the body. The dedication to one love is superior to Solomon and his money or his many lovers is beautiful. The privacy of two people together in a garden is beautiful.

Society tells us lies about beauty and even that people should remain silent on it. However, beauty if beautiful and God even more beautiful than any of the breathtaking works of his Creation. Will beauty enter into my life again? I have only had girlfriends and have never been married. I will just exercise daily and press on, especially walking with the LORD. I recommend you to also exercise, press on and walk with the LORD. God is with me, and I seek to find a wife with tremendous faith, great beauty inside and out. I foolishly can’t settle for just outer beauty with no inner beauty. I do this to raise children and build a lasting legacy of media for all of our future descendants to know their great great great … grandpap was a dude who knew for a fact God was real because God let him know personally. Thank You, God for letting me know you’re real, and the gift of spreading the Good News so others trust and have faith in you too.

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