A collection of miracles experienced by Jim II

Miracles are whenever God acts.  I believe he does many miracles often that we are not aware of.  If every miracle had a light show attached, it would distract people and it might change how the miracle had to go to achieve its goal.  Trust me. God does act.  I knew God was since the first miracle I experienced at www.goodnewsjim.com.  But I share these miracles in hopes that more people gain faith!

Miracles can be seen when you pray for things very specific and there are not much odds of it happening, but it does.  Miracles can be seen when God puts it on your heart that a very specific event will happen then it does.  You cannot write things off as coincidence if a rare event is predicted to happen and it does.  Rare events don’t happen very often to begin with, but when they happen as expected on cue, that is a miracle especially when prayer is involved.

Miracle B1:

I have so many acts of God in my life. I find that since I follow him and try and do as good and be as loving as I can, God sends answered prayer more. I try and be good because of Jesus.

I once asked to be blessed like Jacob and to bless Abraham’s descendants.

Genesis 12:12 The Lord said to Abram, “Leave your country, your relatives, and your father’s home, and go to a land that I am going to show you. 2 I will give you many descendants, and they will become a great nation. I will bless you and make your name famous, so that you will be a blessing.3 I will bless those who bless you, But I will curse those who curse you. And through you I will bless all the nations.” (GNT).

I went one step further past blessing Israel. I told God, “If you blessed me like Jacob, knock my hip out as you did with Jacob when you blessed him.” I went to bed. The next morning my hip was out. It was out for about three weeks until I had the presence of mind, “Okay, keep the blessings on me, but put my hip back in so I can exercise.” When I woke up the next day, my hip was back in.

I may or may not get married and have kids. Maybe God just blesses me witnessing about him here on Earth so I help more people come to Jesus before I die. It is good to have God’s blessing though. I share these miracles in hopes people have more faith in Jesus.

Miracle B2:

I petition Klove to take off this one song called, “Fear is a Liar.” I thought it was awful because it has a bad rhythm and also the guy sounds like he is defeated. It is so bad, I quit listening to Klove after decade+ cuz I shut it off when it comes on.

The day before yesterday, I had a nightmare.  I woke up and felt it was not prophetic or anything I should be concerned of.  I felt in a way that it was a lie because as I was turning on the radio, I expected “Fear is a liar” song to be on.

I turn on Klove because I feel it is good to calibrate myself. And the “Fear is a Liar” song comes on. I get a laugh cuz I go to myself, “Yup, the devil is sending me nightmares to mess with me, but they’re of no consequence.” Anyway, I shut Klove off and no more was thought of it…

Until I talked to Victor Nunez my best ally in Jesus. I told him the dream. Then he said, “Of course, do not worry about that dream because ‘Fear is a Liar'”

He used the exact words of the song I turned on and came on immediately when I turned the radio…

It is humbling because I do tell Klove the song is bad, but then God uses it as a miracle. Hah, God is funny in that way.

Miracle B3:

Once I prayed that no one gets in an auto accident except intentionally maybe stopping a criminal like a bank robber.  That day or close by, in the news a regular citizen car rammed a bank robber.

Miracle B4:

A follow up to the shooting star miracle here: https://fatherspiritson.com/2018/02/a-collection-of-miracles-personally-experienced-by-jim/

For about a few years, I didn’t want to look up in the sky in case I saw another shooting star for it was a holy event and I didn’t know what to think.  Well on 9/4/18, I overcame my caution of shooting stars and looked up in the sky and thought,”God be in Heaven.” or “God is in Heaven” then immediately another shooting star happened.

Miracle B5:

When I woke up 5/11/2018 I announced to God, “Roar if you want.” I expected thunder and it thundered.

My Grandmother brought home Chic Fil A and Italian Walmart bread that was so fresh that I announced, “This bread is like a restaurant brand.  I expect an Italian Dinner to happen soon after.”

Hours later, my mom brings home an Italian Dinner from Olive Garden.

Click to read another page of miracles: https://fatherspiritson.com/2019/01/a-collection-of-miracles-experienced-by-jim-iii/

Read more miracles here: https://fatherspiritson.com/2018/02/a-collection-of-miracles-personally-experienced-by-jim/

Photo Credit: http://www.kumulanichapel.org/sermons/prelude-to-justice/

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