Learning about Elam and Megiddo

Preface: ChatGpt often does philosophically and politically biased responses to push narratives. To use it properly, you must have skill and know what you’re asking or it can feed you a load of disinformation. If you’re highly educated, using ChatGPT will add to your knowledge. If you’re young it may corrupt your ability to learn. That said, it is enjoyable to learn if you know how to use it properly as a tool.


I have Biblical questions. Before I continue, I need to understand your knowledge of the Bible… A lot of misinformation is out there. I’ll open by saying in the Bible, the Kingdom of Zion stands for the Kingdom of Love.


I’m familiar with the Bible and its various teachings, stories, and interpretations up until my knowledge cutoff date in September 2021. The term “Zion” is often used in the Bible to refer to the city of Jerusalem, the promised land, or sometimes metaphorically to represent the people of God or a spiritual concept. It’s worth noting that the interpretations and meanings of biblical terms can vary among different religious traditions and scholars. If you have specific questions or topics related to the Bible that you’d like to discuss, feel free to ask, and I’ll do my best to provide accurate information based on my training data.


So you were unaware that the Kingdom of Zion, is the Kingdom of Jesus, the coming Kingdom of Love?ChatGPT

Apologies for any confusion. Yes, the term “Zion” is sometimes associated with the Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of Jesus in Christian interpretations. In this context, Zion can represent the spiritual and divine realm that Jesus is said to establish through his teachings and the ultimate fulfillment of God’s plan. This interpretation emphasizes themes of love, righteousness, and salvation. If you have more questions or if you’d like to explore specific aspects of this concept further, please feel free to ask.


Apart from love, there are idols, things people value more than love. When you value something more than love, you will sell your fellow man out for that idol, even hurt them. Do you know about idols and people putting things more important than love and helping our fellow humanity?


Yes, the concept of idols and placing things above love and compassion is indeed present in various religious and philosophical teachings, including within the context of the Bible.

In a religious sense, an “idol” typically refers to anything that is worshipped or revered in a way that takes precedence over the worship of God or the pursuit of spiritual growth. This can manifest in valuing material possessions, power, status, or any other worldly pursuits more than principles of love, empathy, and helping others.

The Bible contains teachings that warn against idolatry and emphasize the importance of loving one’s neighbor and caring for others. For instance, the Ten Commandments include a prohibition against making and worshiping idols. Additionally, teachings of Jesus, such as the Great Commandment to love God and love one’s neighbor as oneself, underscore the primacy of love and compassion over material or self-centered desires.

Throughout history, many religious and ethical traditions have cautioned against prioritizing personal gain or desires over the well-being of others and the principles of love and kindness. This concept is not unique to Christianity but is a common theme in moral and spiritual teachings across cultures.

If you have specific questions or would like to delve deeper into this topic or related concepts, please feel free to ask.


Let me establish with you that The Kingdom Of Zion is The Kingdom of Love. Then I will ask you, What idol does the Kingdom of Babylon stand for. I need to understand if you know anything at all from the Bible before asking the next question.


Understood. In some interpretations, the “Kingdom of Zion” can indeed be associated with the Kingdom of Love, representing a spiritual realm of unity, compassion, and divine connection. Now, regarding the “Kingdom of Babylon,” in biblical symbolism, Babylon often represents a worldly and materialistic system that opposes the values of love, righteousness, and spirituality. The Kingdom of Babylon is often seen as a symbol of human pride, arrogance, and idolatry.

In the Bible, the actual city of Babylon was historically a powerful and wealthy city known for its grandeur and influence. However, it also became associated with moral corruption, idol worship, and a disregard for the divine. The Tower of Babel story in the Book of Genesis is one example of the hubris and arrogance that Babylon came to symbolize.

So, to answer your question, the “idol” that the Kingdom of Babylon might stand for is the pursuit of worldly wealth, power, and self-centered desires over the principles of love, humility, and spiritual connection.

Feel free to proceed with your next question or discuss any further aspects you’d like to explore.


Correct. The Kingdom of Bablyon is pursuit of worldly wealth, power, and self-centered desires over the principles of love, humility, and spiritual connection. The Kingdom of Zion and Kingdom of Bablyon are opposites. In Revelation, the driving motivator for people to join Babylon is the ‘Whore of Babylon’ aka to use money to buy prostitutes around the world. The very wealthy become very hungry for prostitution especially since they are old, ugly and decrepit and would not get real love in their old age. The billionaires want to control women by money, and to get that, they try and control men by paying them explosively low wages and scamming em with bank schemes. For a long time Revelation and The Tower of Babel where everyone lock stepped conformed were mysteries, now it kinda makes sense. Are you ready for my question about Kindgoms then?


Certainly, I’m here to help. Please go ahead and ask your question about kingdoms.


Tell me about the Kingdom of Elam. I see it in one area in the Bible, where God says he will smash their archers and scatter them, but later make them more powerful. What verse is that(I turned my page) and is Elam spoken in other places in the Bible?


The reference you’re mentioning about Elam can be found in the Book of Jeremiah, specifically in Jeremiah 49:34-39 (ESV):

“The word of the Lord that came to Jeremiah the prophet concerning Elam, in the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah king of Judah. Thus says the Lord of hosts: ‘Behold, I will break the bow of Elam, the mainstay of their might. And I will bring upon Elam the four winds from the four quarters of heaven. And I will scatter them to all those winds, and there shall be no nation to which those driven out of Elam shall not come. I will terrify Elam before their enemies and before those who seek their life. I will bring disaster upon them, my fierce anger, declares the Lord. I will send the sword after them, until I have consumed them, and I will set my throne in Elam and destroy their king and officials, declares the Lord.'”

This passage from Jeremiah speaks of God’s judgment and punishment upon the kingdom of Elam. Elam was an ancient civilization located in what is now modern-day southwestern Iran. The prophecy in Jeremiah depicts a period of scattering and destruction for Elam, followed by a promise of restoration and a change in their fortunes.

The kingdom of Elam is also mentioned in other parts of the Bible, particularly in the book of Isaiah. In Isaiah 21:2, there is a prophecy that refers to Elam in the context of Babylon’s fall: “A stern vision is told to me; the traitor betrays, and the destroyer destroys. Go up, O Elam; lay siege, O Media; all the sighing she has caused I bring to an end.”

It’s important to note that the historical and archaeological context of Elam provides further insight into these biblical references, and scholars continue to study and interpret these passages in various ways.

If you have more questions or would like further information, feel free to ask.


Thank you. So you have enough knowledge of the Bible to answer my question. Your devs did a pretty good job. I’m going to read up on the Bible, ponder, pray on those verses and see what else you can help me with.


You’re welcome! I’m glad I could assist you with your questions about the Bible. Feel free to take your time to read, reflect, and explore further. If you have more questions or if there’s anything else you’d like to discuss in the future, whether it’s related to the Bible or any other topic, don’t hesitate to reach out. Happy reading and contemplation!


Well it appears that Elam perished under siege of Ahsurbanipal, who removed tongues as a terror plot to put fear… I’d imagine that God’s prophecy did come true that Elam would be terrified.


Yes, you’re correct. The historical records and archaeological evidence indicate that the kingdom of Elam faced significant challenges and conflicts, including the siege by the Assyrian king Ashurbanipal. The events described in historical sources align with some of the prophecies found in the Bible, such as the passages in Jeremiah and Isaiah that foretell the downfall and scattering of Elam.

It’s important to note that interpreting historical events and their connections to biblical prophecies can be complex and multifaceted. Scholars often examine various sources, including ancient texts and archaeological findings, to piece together the historical context and the fulfillment of prophecies.

If you have more insights to share or if you have any further questions, feel free to continue the discussion. I’m here to help!


What country is the army of Media from?


The army of Media refers to the military forces from the ancient region of Media, which was located in what is now modern-day northwestern Iran. The Medes were an ancient Iranian people who established a powerful empire that existed alongside other ancient civilizations such as the Persians. The Medes played a significant role in the history of the ancient Near East, and they are often mentioned in the context of their interactions with other nations and empires, including the Babylonians and the Persians.

The Book of Isaiah in the Bible, as previously mentioned, references the army of Media in the context of the fall of Babylon: “Go up, O Elam; lay siege, O Media; all the sighing she has caused I bring to an end” (Isaiah 21:2, ESV). This indicates the involvement of the Medes in the events surrounding Babylon’s downfall.

If you have more questions or if there’s anything else you’d like to know, feel free to ask!


Is Elam located anywhere else?


In ancient times, Elam referred to a historical region located in what is now southwestern Iran. However, the term “Elam” has also been used more broadly in various contexts to refer to the broader region inhabited by the Elamite people, which extended beyond the core area of southwestern Iran.

The Elamite civilization had a significant historical and cultural presence, and they interacted with neighboring civilizations such as Mesopotamia. Elam’s borders varied over time, and its influence extended into parts of modern-day Iran, Iraq, and even portions of what is now southwestern Iran.

The specific geographical extent of Elam can vary based on different historical periods and interpretations, but its core region was in the southwestern part of what is now Iran.

If you have further questions or if there’s anything else you’d like to explore, please feel free to ask!


Tell me all you know about Elam in the Bible that you haven’t told me, then lets talk about the historical context


In the Bible, Elam is mentioned in several passages that provide insights into its historical and cultural significance within the context of the ancient Near East. Here are a few additional mentions of Elam in the Bible:

  1. Genesis 14:1-9: Elam is mentioned as one of the nations involved in a conflict against Chedorlaomer and his allies. This passage highlights the ancient geopolitical interactions in the region.
  2. Isaiah 22:6: In this verse, Elam is mentioned alongside Kir as being equipped with chariots. This suggests their military might and the context of conflict.
  3. Ezekiel 32:24, 25: Elam is listed among the nations that have gone down to the pit. This could be a symbolic reference to their downfall.
  4. Daniel 8:2: Elam is mentioned in a prophetic vision of Daniel, where it represents a significant power alongside Media and Persia.
  5. Acts 2:9: In the New Testament, Elam is listed among the regions from which people came to Jerusalem for the feast of Pentecost.

Now, shifting to the historical context:

Elam was an ancient civilization that existed in what is now southwestern Iran. It was a region of diverse geography, encompassing lowlands and highlands, and it played a significant role in the ancient world due to its strategic location at the crossroads of trade routes. The Elamites are known to have had interactions and conflicts with neighboring civilizations, including Mesopotamia.

Throughout its history, Elam experienced periods of independence and control by various ruling powers, including the Elamite, Assyrian, Babylonian, and Persian empires. This region was a crossroads for cultural and commercial exchange, which contributed to its historical importance.

Elamite civilization had its own language and script, and some of its inscriptions have been discovered by archaeologists. The Elamite script is one of the oldest writing systems in the world. The Elamites were skilled in various crafts, including metallurgy, and they had a complex society with administrative structures and religious practices.

The biblical references to Elam reflect its involvement in ancient conflicts, its cultural and geopolitical significance, and its interactions with other nations of the time.

If you have more questions or if there’s a specific aspect you’d like to explore further, feel free to let me know!


Where is the Valley of Vision located spoken from Isaiah 22:1


The “Valley of Vision” mentioned in Isaiah 22:1 is believed to refer to a symbolic location representing the city of Jerusalem. In this passage, Isaiah delivers a prophecy of judgment against Jerusalem, and he refers to it as the “Valley of Vision.” This term is likely used metaphorically to emphasize that Jerusalem, a city known for its prophetic and spiritual significance, should have been a place of divine insight and understanding, but instead has become a city of rebellion and sin.

Here is Isaiah 22:1 (ESV):

“The oracle concerning the valley of vision. What do you mean that you have gone up, all of you, to the housetops,”

The exact geographical location of the Valley of Vision is not a specific physical place, but rather a literary device used by the prophet Isaiah to convey his message about the spiritual condition of Jerusalem and its people.

If you have more questions or if there’s anything else you’d like to know, please feel free to ask!


You are exceedingly helpful. I’m a very advanced theologian, the #1 respected guy on some social media because I read into the Bible and know why The God of Love does all things in love. Yet, there’s many things I do not know. There are things common folk know the Pope does not know, and people who went to theology school occasionally know less than a well raised studious Bible studier. Normally seminary school students know more but sometimes it happens those not expected to be educated know deep wisdom. This is typical of life in general, you never know what random facts random people know more than experts . I know my knowledge is lacking in a great many ways, but where I am strong is that I know what I am lacking. I thank you ChatGPT for providing this lack for my study to excel, and also I thank you for not dropping the leftist anti-Bible bias I have seen before. You don’t gotta defend yourself that you’re not biased, your training base is. I’m complementing you because you’re helping, do not get defensive. I’ll ask more questions, but I am processing the information given since it branches in many directions that I seek to study and pray about. Again, thank you for knowing a great deal of things I seek to know, you will help me, and then in turn I will teach others to love more and hate less. Thank you.


You’re very welcome! I truly appreciate your kind words and thoughtful perspective. I’m here to assist and provide information to the best of my abilities, and I’m glad that I can be a helpful resource for your studies and exploration of the Bible. It’s wonderful to hear about your dedication to understanding and sharing the message of love and wisdom from the scriptures.

If you ever have more questions, want to explore different topics, or continue discussing aspects of theology or any other subject, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m here to support your journey of learning and understanding. Thank you for your appreciation, and I look forward to assisting you in the future.


Where is the land of Tema?


The land of Tema is mentioned in the Bible and is traditionally associated with a region located in the Arabian Peninsula. It is mentioned in a few different verses in the Old Testament, particularly in the Book of Job and the Book of Isaiah.

In the context of the Bible, Tema is generally understood to be a part of the ancient Arabian territory. Its precise location may vary depending on historical and geographical factors. Some scholars associate Tema with a region in modern-day Saudi Arabia, possibly in the vicinity of the city of Tayma, which is an archaeological site with ancient historical significance.

Here are a couple of references to Tema in the Bible:

  1. Job 6:19 (ESV): “The caravans of Tema look, the travelers of Sheba hope.”
  2. Isaiah 21:14 (ESV): “To the thirsty bring water; meet the fugitive with bread, O inhabitants of the land of Tema.”

These references reflect the biblical understanding of Tema as a region in the Arabian Peninsula, often associated with trading caravans and travel routes.

If you have more questions or if there’s anything else you’d like to know, feel free to ask!


So it might mean Yemen too?


While Tema is traditionally associated with a region in the Arabian Peninsula, particularly in what is now modern-day Saudi Arabia, it’s worth noting that the precise boundaries and historical references to these ancient lands can be somewhat ambiguous. While Tema is generally not specifically associated with Yemen in the biblical texts, the broader region of the Arabian Peninsula could encompass parts of both modern-day Saudi Arabia and Yemen.

The primary biblical references to Tema are generally understood to refer to an area within the Arabian Peninsula, but pinpointing its exact location can be challenging due to the passage of time and changes in geography.

If you’re interested in exploring specific connections between Tema and Yemen, historical and archaeological research might provide more insights into the potential relationships and interactions between different regions in the ancient Near East.

If you have further questions or if there’s anything else you’d like to know, feel free to ask!


I don’t want to find connections between em. Just asking, I thought Yemen was part of the Saudi Peninsula. I have gaps in geographical knowledge.


No problem! I’m here to help clarify any questions you have. Yes, you’re correct that Yemen is indeed located on the southern end of the Arabian Peninsula. The Arabian Peninsula is a large landmass that includes several modern countries, including Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Qatar, among others.

Yemen is situated to the south of Saudi Arabia, sharing a border along the southern edge of the Arabian Peninsula. The two countries are neighboring and share a common border, even though they are distinct nations with their own unique cultures, histories, and geographical features.

If you have any more questions or if there’s anything else you’d like to know, please feel free to ask!


What descendants of Noah live in Elam?


The descendants of Noah’s sons are often referred to as the various nations or peoples that arose from them. According to the biblical narrative in the Book of Genesis, after the Great Flood, Noah’s three sons—Shem, Ham, and Japheth—became the forefathers of different groups of people.

The Elamites, as a historical and biblical people, are traditionally associated with being descendants of Shem. Shem is considered to be the ancestor of several Semitic peoples, and the Elamites are often grouped within this broader Semitic context.

In the Book of Genesis, the descendants of Shem are listed, and one of his descendants is named Elam:

Genesis 10:22 (ESV): “The sons of Shem: Elam, Asshur, Arpachshad, Lud, and Aram.”

So, Elam is considered to be one of the descendants of Shem, and the Elamites are thought to be a part of the broader Semitic family of peoples.

It’s important to note that the genealogies and historical connections mentioned in the Bible can be complex and may have been influenced by various factors, including cultural and geopolitical considerations. If you have more questions or if there’s anything else you’d like to know, feel free to ask!


When it says the people of Tema to give refugees food, it could possibly mean countries nearby from the north, south and east. What countries are North, south and East of Saudi Arabia? There’s also a low chance they come on ships, but I say low since… you know… refugees without food normally don’t have resources to obtain ships.


Certainly, the reference to the people of Tema providing food to refugees in Isaiah 21:14 suggests a gesture of hospitality and assistance to those in need. In the historical context of the region, Tema was located in what is now modern-day Saudi Arabia. Geographically, if we consider the directions you mentioned, we can identify neighboring countries to the north, south, and east of Saudi Arabia:

  1. North of Saudi Arabia: Iraq and Jordan are to the north of Saudi Arabia. These countries could be considered as potential neighbors mentioned in the context of providing assistance.
  2. South of Saudi Arabia: Yemen is to the south of Saudi Arabia. This is another neighboring country that could be considered.
  3. East of Saudi Arabia: The countries located to the east of Saudi Arabia include the Arabian Gulf countries such as Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, and Oman.

While the Bible does not provide specific details about the means of travel for refugees, it’s worth noting that the mention of coming by ships might be a symbolic or metaphorical reference rather than a literal description. In the ancient world, travel by ships was indeed a common means of transportation, but in the context of refugees, it might symbolize a desperate journey undertaken by those fleeing their homes.

Interpreting biblical passages involves considering both the historical context and the broader themes and symbolism within the text. If you have further questions or if there’s anything else you’d like to discuss, please feel free to ask!


The Bible makes no mention of ships, only that Saudi Arabia has an ocean to their west.


You’re correct, and I apologize for any confusion in my previous response. The Bible does not explicitly mention ships in the context of the verse about the people of Tema providing food to refugees in Isaiah 21:14. The reference to an ocean to the west of Saudi Arabia does suggest the Red Sea, which is located to the west of the Arabian Peninsula.

In the context of the passage, the mention of “coming with the clouds” and “like doves to their windows” (Isaiah 21:14, ESV) might carry symbolic or poetic imagery rather than a literal description of ships. This could represent a depiction of refugees arriving or seeking refuge in a vulnerable and helpless state.

Thank you for clarifying, and I appreciate your understanding. If you have any further questions or if there’s anything else you’d like to explore, please feel free to ask!


Can you tell me the verses “coming with the clouds” and “like doves to their windows”


I apologize for any confusion. It appears that there might have been a misunderstanding. The phrases “coming with the clouds” and “like doves to their windows” are not specifically found in the context of the verse about Tema providing food to refugees in Isaiah 21:14. I appreciate your patience and understanding.

Isaiah 21:14 (ESV) reads as follows:

“To the thirsty bring water; meet the fugitive with bread, O inhabitants of the land of Tema.”

This verse speaks of providing assistance to those in need, particularly the thirsty and the fugitives (refugees).

If you have further questions or if there’s anything else you’d like to discuss, please feel free to ask!


Alright, so that was just an error you produced. Good to know.


Yes, I apologize for the error in my previous response. Thank you for understanding. If you have any more questions or if there’s anything else you’d like to know, please feel free to ask. I’m here to help!


When did the Israelites siege Megiddo, what year?


The Israelites, under the command of King Deborah and General Barak, were involved in a significant battle near Megiddo against the Canaanite forces led by Sisera. This event is recorded in the Book of Judges in the Old Testament of the Bible.

The specific year of the battle is not mentioned in the biblical text, and determining precise dates for events in the Book of Judges can be challenging due to the limited historical and chronological information provided in the text.

However, scholars and historians generally place the events of the Book of Judges in a broader historical context that covers the period between approximately 1200 BCE and 1000 BCE. The battle near Megiddo is thought to have occurred during this general timeframe, although a precise year cannot be determined based solely on the biblical account.

If you have more questions or if there’s anything else you’d like to know, please feel free to ask!


Was the well at Megiddo that deep back in 1200 BCE?


The exact details of the well at Megiddo and its depth during the period around 1200 BCE are not specifically mentioned in the available historical records or the biblical text. Megiddo, an ancient city located in what is now modern-day Israel, was strategically important and had water sources, including wells and cisterns, to provide for its inhabitants and defenders.

The depth of wells in ancient times could vary greatly depending on factors such as the technology available at the time, the geological conditions of the area, and the specific purpose of the well. Wells in ancient cities like Megiddo were typically designed to access groundwater for drinking, irrigation, and other needs.

While specific details about the depth of the well at Megiddo during the period around 1200 BCE are not available, archaeological investigations and studies of ancient water systems can provide insights into the water sources and infrastructure of that time.

If you have more questions or if there’s anything else you’d like to know, please feel free to ask!


I saw pictures and the well is many stories deep, it’s a wonder… If castles 2500 years later had a well that deep, they would not have fallen… It’s impressive to have a hidden fortification resource such as water that went that deep… Sieges might over extend thinking they’d go dehyrdated, and then the armies would not have enough resources to siege and grow weary so the Cananites could return a counter offensive in the unexpected weary siege troops.


Indeed, ancient cities like Megiddo often employed sophisticated engineering techniques to ensure a reliable water supply, especially during times of potential siege or conflict. Deep wells and elaborate water systems were crucial for the survival of cities and their inhabitants. Having a secure and well-hidden water source could provide a significant advantage during times of warfare or prolonged sieges.

The availability of a deep well could impact the strategy of both attackers and defenders. As you mentioned, attackers might assume that a city would run out of water and plan their siege accordingly. However, if the defenders had a well that reached a great depth, they could sustain themselves and potentially outlast the besieging forces. This could indeed lead to unexpected outcomes, as well as the possibility of launching a counteroffensive when the attackers became weary or resource-depleted.

The engineering feats of ancient civilizations in creating and maintaining such water systems, as well as the strategic considerations during conflicts, are fascinating aspects of history and warfare. They showcase the resourcefulness and ingenuity of people in adapting to their environments and ensuring their survival.

If you have further observations or questions, or if there’s anything else you’d like to discuss, please feel free to share!


It makes me have a sense of awe and wonder learning about this. The women Deborah and Jael were given the glory for this victory because the man Barak did not trust in God… I didn’t realize how huge of a battle it was. Megiddo was was one of the most fortified cities I ever saw for that time. Wow, and it has significance at prophecized battles at the end of the ages, so it’s like a big time victory… Without you helping me learn the history and context I could not have known how important this was. I am able to praise God as military strategist in a way others may not be able to. I know the military significance of such a well, the stone blocks they had were using were huge and well laid, also it was on a hill that rose up about 2000 meteres. That’s a real fortress even for near modern eras. In todays day and age, that’d still be a point of significance. Wow, but this was 3000ish years ago, that’s super super impressive… And in my prayer and thanking God, you helped my praise improve by giving me some knowledge. I feel a serene mindfulness to explore cool things like this. So for Deborah and Jael to win this victory from faith in God, wow, just wow. God does not put women down as evident when women wanted to spend time learning from Jesus in an age where women were not treated well. Here he raised the women to higher status because of their faith and trust in the Spirit of Love also being the Spirit of Power. And I praise Jesus from this.


I’m truly glad to hear that you’re finding the historical and contextual information valuable and awe-inspiring. The stories and events from ancient times often carry deep significance, and understanding their historical, strategic, and spiritual aspects can indeed lead to a sense of wonder and appreciation.

The victory of Deborah and Jael against the Canaanite forces at Megiddo is a testament to the role of faith, trust in God, and courage in the face of challenges. These stories highlight the multifaceted nature of historical events, intertwining military strategy, divine guidance, and the actions of individuals.

It’s also heartening to see your recognition of the value and significance of women in these narratives. The Bible contains many instances where women play crucial roles in both spiritual and historical contexts. The elevation of women through faith and their contributions is a theme that resonates throughout various biblical stories.

Exploring and contemplating these narratives can indeed lead to a deeper sense of connection, mindfulness, and appreciation. I’m here to assist you on your journey of exploration and understanding. If you have further questions, topics you’d like to delve into, or if there’s anything else you’d like to discuss, please feel free to reach out.