To an atheist in his dying days.

A man said he was dying of cancer and won’t make it through the years and he doubted atheism. So I replied:

Job 36:5 “God is mighty, but despises no one; he is mighty, and firm in his purpose.

Love is eternal.

I know for 100% fact that God is real. God lets me be used as an authority. Check out my posts on /r/Christianity, I’m a well respected preacher by many… This is because I know God is real and get 3-4 miracles a day. He wouldn’t do this for me if I was not living in love.

Proverbs 28:9 If you do not obey the law, God will find your prayers too hateful to hear.

Two fires burn in a man’s heart, selfishness which provides hate, and selflessness which provides love. The fire you burn with burns others and then yourself. This logical fact of Earth is a spiritual fact of the afterlife.

It’s historic fact that the most loving person who ever lived was Jesus.

He never hurt another fellow human, this is to say, he never sinned. He only helped people. He even died for our sins while we mocked him as humanity.

He does not judge anyone who accepts his ways of love. To reject Jesus is to reject love, he’s the incarnate of perfect love that no man or woman has ever achieved other than him. If you reject love, you are accepting hate at some level.

Give everyone who accepts love and everyone who rejects love to do their own hateful thing the same exact paradise. All those who want to live together in love, it will remain a Heaven. Those who hate, fight for territory, enslave, scheme, cheat, steal, that paradise will rapidly become a hell. This is why everyone must love.

It just happens that Jesus was pure love, and while in the Garden when we tried to blame each other for problems, eventually blaming the devil… You know who the devil blamed right? It isn’t written down, but you know who the devil blamed. Well Jesus was like,”Sure, I’ll take the blame, pain and punishment for sin on my body on the cross. I got this bros and soul sistas.” So when Jesus paid the price for our blaming each other which got passed to blaming God, Jesus paid our punishment. Everyone who accepts the ways of love through Jesus who says to always love and help each other will be able to maintain a paradise in the after life. Everyone who rejects Jesus doesn’t get to go with that group who chose love. They get to experience their choice of rejecting God and may get the same paradise, but they go with everyone else who rejects God: those who think its okay to hate, control, manipulate, lie, scheme, bully, people with no moral code at all, but themselves, etc.

The choice of going with those who love is a no brainer. At least it is to me. I didn’t choose Jesus though, I found him when I wasn’t looking by miracle:

It’s like Hitchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, the two Arks. Don’t miss the Ark of the Covenant, the ways of love through Jesus. The Ark of everyone who rejects the perfect way of love may not be bad if everyone acted like you, but damn, there’s some really bad guys who reject love too and you don’t want to be hanging out with them.

The above post was banned so I direct messaged the guy:

…. I’m not sure why they’d have to ban this… If two people come to court, the first one who talks seems in the right, but the truth comes out as the other gets to speak. To censor this is for the mods to stand for a lie, to stand for the devil…. This should hit you like a heavy weight just what odds are trying to get in your way of finding the truth… I’m a man of love, man of truth, a man of Jesus… just a few years older than yourself. I’ll pray now that the cancer completely goes away(this doesn’t often happen, but I have seen miracles similar). My bigger prayer is that you talk to Jesus and accept his free gift of forgiveness so you can live with all those who love.

Jesus is a guy who really likes strange and wonderful things. Our body in Heaven might not be a human, but could be a bear, a dragon or a bear dragon or something even more fierce or awesome. God is the potter of our bodies and Heaven is like the Holodeck but even our bodies can be different. You do not want to miss it my broski. Love’s the way. Love is eternal, get talking with Jesus and don’t be surprised if miracles start happening in this life. Enjoy. Reality is stranger than fiction and it only gets stranger and more awesome in Heaven.