Conformity Makes Liars out of Men

Carnegie Mellon has some of the smartest scientist minds in the worlds as professors,right? Right. CMU has some of the smartest students in the world, right? Right.

Not one student of physics or physics professor agreed with me that the Electric Car was viable in the mid 90s. How could this be? I did the math and saw the original cars in 1895 often were all battery and had reasonable mileage. Then I saw Lithium Ion batteries had about 4-5x the capacity to hold more energy density. Literally every student disagreed with me, a few profs did too, but most profs just gave me ‘the look’…. You know the “I’m looking down on you because that’s such a terrible idea, I wish I thought of it myself, and I’m old and don’t want to do math that could make me look like a fool taking a position since I grade papers now and don’t want tested myself.”

Also I said China is a rising Super Power, and basically everyone disagreed with me there too.

Moral of this story: Just because everyone says one thing, does not mean they’re right. They could be the smartest people on Earth, but they can be wrong, happens all the time. What doesn’t happen all the time is people sticking to what they know is right and being easily swayed to pick a wrong answer just because everyone else says so.

5 people say the wrong answer sometimes, 1 is a real person.

Reasons the real person says the wrong answer because the group says it:

One believed the lie,”The majority is right.”

One was insecure to accept a lie,”I don’t like society judging me for standing out.”

If one guy out of the five is saying the right answer, the real person answers right way more often, and bonds with the guy standing up for truth. 4 wrong answers, one right answer, and the other guy is brave enough to stand for truth.
So the question I have for you is,”Do you think for yourself, or do you need to talk to others and have them think for you?” In today’s America, seems like a lot of you accept wrong answers because you’re letting television think for you instead of math, science, history and what YOU know personally. Stop accepting wrong answers for questions you do already know. Politicians are corrupt because they take bribes or won’t get elected. Family and friends are vastly more important than taking up some reject cause you saw on television that you thought would be awesome to argue about. If you embrace a politician more than family, you’re not using your brain. If you reject your friends and family because you been taught to argue on television, watch less television, spend more time with friends. This is truth. Class dismissed.

Our eternity will be given to the hands of a conniving liar or one who’s never hurt anyone, helped everyone and always tells the truth. The devil is the liar who wants you hatefully destroyed in the worst way possible, but he will tell you lies to the contrary. Jesus never hurt you, but loves you and will keep you safe, happy, joyful, pleasure filled and with honor&dignity forever. Who do you trust? The liar the devil? Or the way, the truth and the life in Jesus Christ. Your eternity will be hell if you let the Father of Lies who hates you rule over you. Your eternity will be Heaven if your trust in Jesus. Where you going? If you’re reading this, it ain’t too late to ask Jesus for forgiveness and to try and be good and loving to all moving forward.