Conspiracies Happen Frequently in History.

You have heard of monopolies. Once a company puts its competitors out of business, it jacks prices up very high. This is why we buy local over corporate often. Most people know what a monopoly is. There’s a board game about this practice even.

Do you know what an oligopoly is? It is when 2 or more companies have a back door meeting to no longer compete in the market place, and team up essentially forming a pseudo-monopoly. Examples are cell phone companies not lowering prices for years since it was only Verizon/Att/Sprint/Tmobile/some local guys. Another example are your Internet Supplier who don’t move in on turfs already wired by another company.

An oligopoly is especially powerful when the good is required, in economics this is known as a necessity good. What goods can you think of that are required? Things like heating, food, water, electricity, transportation, housing, and today internet to learn and produce. The pressure to form an oligopoly grows as the rewards outweigh the risks.

Any time two or more people have a back door meeting and keep a secret from the public, this is known as a conspiracy. I probably blew a few of your minds that conspiracies are factual and are taught in both economics and history books.

Economics course:

United States District Court Eastern PA: search for “unlawful conspiracy”and two deep it talks about price fixing

Economic consulting firm explaining oligopolies are conspiracies.

There’s thousands more ‘links/books/etc/etc’ on this.

You gotta put it out of your head that conspiracies are something crazy. It’s In fact conspiracies are just two people breaking the law behind closed doors. Two idiot criminals on the street who team up to commit a crime are called co-conspirators under US criminal law. Common criminals conspire, it’s what a co-conspirator to a crime is, and why prisoner’s dilemma is a real study and not just a sub game in some board games. It’s actually crazy to think conspiracies do not exist, when the court prosecutes thousands every day and they teach about corporate conspiracies in history/economics.

An example of criminal conspiracy: Remember this year, I saw a two man team at Planet Fitness. One turned in Beats by Dre Headphones to lost and found. Another came by and asked if they had Beats by Dre Headphones. I watched it take place and they tried to hit Shop and Save right after. I helped Planet Fitness and Shop and Save report the crime to police and helped Shop and Save recover an electronic cart.

For real, for real, why are so many people checking out of what they teach in school and trying to invent new stuff? The news isn’t a university. You can’t get smart watching the news. The news isn’t there to teach you new things. The news will lie to you, like conspiracies being something that doesn’t happen,”No corporation would ever do anything shady. No politician would ever lie or do something shady. No oligopolistic corporate lobbyist would ever pay 20 million dollars for a campaign and expect a favor in return.” Do you trust the news or what they teach in public school and private universities?

I mean this in the most loving way: It’s time to remember what you learned in school. Don’t let the news retrain you on thinking politicians, corporations and the news itself are saints… Quite the opposite, some people only care about money, and nothing about people. You gotta know who your friends are.

If you find this fascinating and want to learn more about Oligopolies, I watched this guy from MIT lecture for about 5minutes, skimmed the rest and he is teaching standard economics, he’s fun to listen to:

Some random verses in the Bible:

1 Kings 16:20 Everything else that Zimri did, including the account of his conspiracy, is recorded in The History of the Kings of Israel.

2 Kings 15:15 Everything else that Shallum did, including an account of his conspiracy, is recorded in The History of the Kings of Israel.

2 Chronicles 24:21 King Joash joined in a conspiracy against Zechariah, and on the king’s orders the people stoned Zechariah in the Temple courtyard.

Ehud’s regicide was a conspiracy.

Esther 2:21 During the time that Mordecai held office in the palace, Bigthana and Teresh, two of the palace eunuchs who guarded the entrance to the king’s rooms, became hostile to King Xerxes and plotted to assassinate him.

2 Kings 21:23 Amon’s officials plotted against him and assassinated him in the palace.

2 Kings 14:19 There was a plot in Jerusalem to assassinate Amaziah, so he fled to the city of Lachish, but his enemies followed him there and killed him.

Hosea 7:7 “In the heat of their anger they murdered their rulers. Their kings have been assassinated one after another, but no one prays to me for help.”

Remember the devil operates on lies, and there’s no bigger lie than being told the opposite of what you’ve been taught in school and Bible Study. Conspiracies are a common place occurrence, happening a million times a day. You’re being lied to by the television news stations that nothing goes on in secret that they don’t tell you about, while you know they are censoring the voices of Christians and Jews who tell you the truth. Think about that. It’s bad enough to accept spin from a news agency you know is lying to you, but it’s way worse to accept them telling you the lie that nothing goes on that they don’t tell you about. Don’t be naive and don’t accept lies.

Proverbs 17:4  Evil people listen to evil ideas, and liars listen to lies.

Because lying is so hideous of a sin, we cannot let our children get a pass when they lie. It encourages em to try and lie against us at another time, eventually falling from Jesus to follow the devil. Lies must be stood against the moment they appear. We ourselves should not listen to lies either. Do not value the words of television news that you know is out to change your world view away from Jesus Christ by employing lies. Get your news by watching first hand accounts of what people say or raw scientific data. You must learn to think for yourself or someone will tell you what to think. There’s freedom in following truth through Jesus, but bondage and losing your freedom is all you get by allowing yourself to be lied to by the devil. Don’t accept the lie that conspiracies never happen. And don’t value anything that information outlet ever says again if they say that.