Respect Every Religion? Really?

People who listen to culture tend to get their values bent up. They want to say sweeping grand generalizations about complicated issues. One such generalization is the statement: You should respect everyone’s religion no matter what it is or you’re ignorant. Let us examine this. Is every religion worth respecting? Some religions are made up… Continue reading Respect Every Religion? Really?

How wit and a good sense of humor can add value to conversations.

Proverbs 26:4 If you answer a silly question, you are just as silly as the person who asked it. (GNT). Many people go:God. He’s a life or death decision. He is super super important. I must do everything in total seriousness and answer every question that comes my way with dead seriousness. Then Steve Colbert… Continue reading How wit and a good sense of humor can add value to conversations.