The Resilient nature of Government for the People By The People

My website has been down for 5 months due to the illegal government CISPA cybersecurity upgrades of November 2023. I do not believe the government deliberately took my website down on purpose, but the CISPA “upgrades” just destroyed lots of tech in the process. CISPA is illegal, unconstitutional and anti free speech, yet censoring my website for 5 months I believe was just a bug, and not by intent… Now to the article:

Concerning a post by Scott Adams who I love. He’s the Dilbert creator, and the totalitarians thought it’d be good to make him lose his job… I mean he spent his whole life mocking totalitarianism… I’m not sure they thought this through:

Scott, what if I told you a thing they’ll teach in history someday?
We discovered a secret to our Democracy that only has been revealed by our leadership becoming corrupt:
The most beautiful thing about modern American Democracy, We the People By The People For The People has a trick up it’s sleeve just like China had when defeated by the Mongols and middle management kept their culture… PAY ATTENTION:
If a cadet joins the police force and the chief tells him to summarily execute someone the police chief doesn’t like… The cadet disobeys the orders handed down from the corrupt superior.
We see that today with people not listening to Biden,Wray, Alejandro Major Suck ass try and outlaw free speech, press and institute a police state. So what does the rest of the good ol’ boys do? We lame duck them, we make sure they can’t carry their plans…
Where do they get their information? All the outlets on social media not censored like X and Rumble? Scott, Mike Benz, Elon Musk, you and me, we’re all running the government now… We always have as democratic citizens of this republic… Traitors do not prevail… Keep sharing information Scott Adams… I’m an academic and I do not think any #historians #history people quite get the ramifications of #hyperdemocracy going on that stalls/stops the overthrow of the USA. We’re all a bunch of rebels here. Never meaning no harm.
You already are more important than the President of the USA for freedom. True Americans do not take their orders from Iran and China, and will not listen to corrupt leadership who do… It’s the Fourth branch of checks and balances and it is peaceful, just information giving back and forth.