Choice made Easy: Israel or Palestine

Confused to support Palestine or Israel? I can make it easy for you. Remember the battle of David vs Goliath? David was an Israelite, Goliath was a Palestinian. They called Palestinians Philistines back then, it’s the same word, they been fighting this long because God said they would in Judges 2 to teach them of war.

Do you support David (Israel)?

Or do you support the big strong guy who looks like he’ll win with his boasts, taunts, and Earthly support and power Goliath (Palestine)?

Remember, ALL CHRISTIANS, ALL of us are Jewish by the Word of God. When we follow Jesus the Jewish Lord of All Creation, we get grafted into Abraham’s lineage, and become Jewish spiritually.

Do you side with David or Goliath? Do you side with God or an Idol. Do you side with Love or Terrorism? Do you side with Jesus or the devil? The choice is not difficult. We’ve lived in a land that benefited from everyone loving each other this long… And we look to other nations ruled by kings, emperors and totalitarians who execute people at a whim.

At the very least, no Christian should be against the Jewish people, for we ARE the Jewish people.