Illegal USA Politics affects my profession

My ability to make a living is directly affected by governmental politics now.

They’ve stripped the rights of Christians and made us second class citizens.

They’ve made it so Christians and our brethren and soul sistas the children of Judah do not have the right of free speech.

What they did in like Germany did before WW2, they’ve done again in America just before WW3.

They make it so we can be discriminated against in work. The same Big Tech who been implicated in censoring Christians are not hiring Christians. News article:

If you spend your whole life training a skill or art form and many people make a living on it, and you excel but never get a chance to work because of discrimination of race, sex, nationality or religion, it sucks. It sucks bad.

So I put out over 1000 resumes and talked to over 100 headhunters. They couldn’t get me a job.

Through blood, sweat, tears, and intense difficulty I made games that took years to make.

MTV/SHOCKWAVE/DEFY Media did not pay contractual royalties amounting to over 250,000$ to me, or 1,000,000$ for the team on Dungeon Run. (over a year of tough dev) My Christian manager would not sue, but other publishers who got illegally dealt with did:

Apple Computers deplatformed a superior version of that hit Dungeon Run. This disbanded that team.(another year of tough dev)

Kongregate lied saying we could use virtual goods so after a wasted month of learning their api, we made no money and another team I assembled of over 7 disbanded on Throne and Crown. (another year dev)

Google deplatformed Throne and Crown when I ported it there.

Google deplatformed a make a wish child’s game “Battlemon” because I said I’d make a game with him so he could tell his friends he made a video game. he spent hundreds of hours, I spent thousands.

Google’s in an anti-trust lawsuit for deplatforming games for political reasons.

Youtube algorithmically buries my content because I am Christian. My overtly Christian content like reading Bible interpretations gets organic views, but my fun video game parody song as seen on the #1 biggest video game stream on the entire internet got 11,000 views in one day, then 0 after. When searching for my content, it does not come up like other channels do, because I am Christian and I’m discriminated/hated against. A Youtube rep lied to my face that they do not censor and when I responded that I can post a comment and it not be seen on other devices said,”Fine, you don’t have to use our platform if you don’t want to.” like I was talking to a dissed 12 year old. Censorship, hate and discrimination are rampant.

Amazon does not let my books be seen and possibly doesn’t pay me for sales when copies are bought. They’re in the news for this too.

Amazon/Twitch banned me from Twitch streaming when I was supporting rights of peaceful protestors in Hong Kong and women’s rights in Iran before the Iranian women’s rights revolution started. Amazon values human rights less than money. Amazon is anti-Christian. They actually finally got into talks with me recently after over a year, and they escalated my ticket quite high because I gave them the new version of the speech I gave Elon to buy Twitter and exposed the algorithms,”You may find it lucrative to do business with all these evil tyrants, but as we creep through WW3, it is a terrible mistake to not speak out against them and deter their wars for money is meaningless when tyranny conquers(short version)” It’s true too, Amazon is due for a philosophy change just like Elon went from pure profit and okay with gas powered cars being outlawed to a less leftist stance, more centralist.

Schell Games cancelled my second round of interviews after asking for my twitter handle and seeing my posts were all Christian asking for people to love one another.

Later in 2018 I was censored under hate speech on twitter for saying,”God is love. Jesus loves you. Everyone should love each other.” Yes I got censored under hate speech for saying everyone should love each other.

I’ve been censored and discriminated against very hatefully thousands of times since. They won’t let me talk. They won’t hire me. They won’t even deal fairly with me with legal contracts and pay what they promised. I cannot give up programming anymore than a painter could give up painting, but the idea that I pour my entire body and soul into the excellence of my profession assuming I’d get a chance, one chance at a career is a lie. I even turned down a full Scholarship from Pennstate because I figured going to Carnegie Mellon I could do disease research, but even Carnegie Mellon illegally fired me from a minimum wage job for being a victim of police brutality. I’ve been beat up, abused, hated, cheated repeatedly and never given one chance at a job because people think it’s okay to hate on Christians. I’m glad the department of justice ruled that enough is enough. I’ve done everything right in my profession, but the system is literally rigged against my people. The fight and dedication I have to start a living burns fierce in me, I’m the least lazy person you’d ever meet despite me always joking that I am lazy. I just channel it all towards a skill set that is the most relevant skill in today’s society if there was not rampant hate against my religion so bad the highest courts in the USA are stepping in.

It would be nicer if I was just an ordinary guy making an ordinary living. I jam with Simple Man from Lynard Skynard, but I’m thankful to have an education from the late Donald Strejek Problems of Democracy teacher who had us read 1984, Farenheight 451 explaining how democracy is very fragile and the freedoms we have are so easily taken away.

I never talked politics til 2018 when online became very hateful and they silenced the voices of Christians our brethren and soul sistas the children of Judah. I never talked politics because I know the news coaches people to argue. They spend 3 months on one topic acting like there is no other topic and how to argue. If you watch the news, jive with listening to them tell you one thing over and over for months on end without getting bored, then you think arguing and hate is cool. Arguing and hate is not cool. I’m not out to argue or hate, but inform. I try my best to love everyone, for I try and act like the Spirit of Love for God loves all.

There’s a term Pink Floyd sang about ‘Us and Them’. People who hate first will hate you so bad they’ll try and provoke you to hating back so it looks like their hate is justified. I know I’m hated by many. And people who hate me, probably in their head think I hate them back. I do not. I try and love everyone as God loves everyone.

Job 36:5

How strong God is! He despises no one;
there is nothing he doesn’t understand.

Keep that in mind when looking at me. Despite being poor, I am no failure. Jesus Christ and John the Baptist were homeless. They were no failures either.

John 15:18 “If the world hates you, just remember that it has hated me first.

Remember there is a God of Love. He gives each their own race to run, their own cross to bear.

Psalm 139:14 I praise you because you are to be feared; all you do is strange and wonderful. I know it with all my heart.