Propaganda liars: TV Newspaper Radio

Propaganda. It’s what the news does.

Citizen Kane, a movie about a news mogol who got America in and out of wars by changing public opinion was probably based on George Creel:…/the-great-war-master-of-american…/

The very famous Pulitzer Prize given to written media stars is issued by a very famous propagandist who’s sensationalized spin articles pushed us into the Spanish American war, a technique known as yellow journalism.

If you watch the television, read the news paper or listen to the radio, there’s a 100% chance you’re being told lies, tid bits of truth spun as lies, not hearing opposing events counter to the narritives. If you want to know what’s going on Planet Earth, you must watch the first hand events unbiased by commentary. You need to learn to think for yourself or someone else will do that for you. When someone asks,”Where did you get your information from?” If they say television, radio or newspaper, might as well have got it from the National Inquirer, Wikipedia or Weekend Update from Saturday Night Live.