A word of Encourgement to Steve Carlson, Slapshot Actor.

Steve Carlson is a famous hockey actor who played in Slapshot a movie portraying the fight of the blue collar to stay around despite our jobs getting shipped to China in the 60s/70s. He’s fought through cancer and won, but got a worrysome call from the doctor that he shared with us. He says he reads every last message we send him, so I tried to encourage him again.

5:00 in, I can tell you read every message in. You’re a very spiritual guy,in the midst of a crazy world and tough battles, not only do you have fight still in you, but you have the wisdom to know HOW TO FIGHT and WHAT TO FIGHT. This battle is most definitely done in prayer.

I’m gonna tell you straight up, my own walk with Jesus could use some more discipline. We’re in Lent season, and while I personally try my best always, I see why others try harder during this season. I’m gonna be prayerful for you and others.

I knew this would be a special message. I like to see you chillin at home. I like to see you making jokes about tough to say words, with the Canadian accent thrown with emphasis, it’s just good stuff, and who we are as human beings. I want you to have many more years/decades ahead of you. Because you’re a rolemodel to many of us out here in hockeyville, I know you’re a positive rolemodel to your fam. You can tell in the warmth of your character you help make the world around you a better place.

And this in itself is a prayer: God, like you did with Moses, Caleb and Joshua who stood for you when not everyone did… You oh God can preserve health into deep old age. You can have us healthy like 20 somethings even when we’re 80 or older. Give Steve Carlson not just more decades of cancer free living, make those years really healthy, enjoyable, fun years where he inspires many and teaches others how to enjoy their years too. Steve’s done it thus far, helping everyone around em, eh. Ya know it God, you made all of us hosers down here. Love ya God, keep us humble, but keep providing for us. Steve doesn’t want to go another round with cancer, but you know his heart, his spirit, his nature… Steve is a fighter for what is right, and knowing everyone’s watching and even if no one is watching, Steve would take death to a drag out, drawn out fight to the ground, biting death’s sorry ankles with his new dental work… But God, you already know that… You know all of us, it doesn’t have to be that way. Just please, here, this time, give Steve a pass against another round of fighting. Steve’s took enough blows from cancer that everyone know he’s a fighter, a veteran, and someone who knows the lows… He’s been a spokesman all his life, he like @MarioLemieuxFdn
, they’re good guys and been through cancer so they can stand with others and encourage em. Good solid souls, out to help the world and make a difference for good, and no just for themselves are in short supply now adays. I know stuff rough for everyone these days, Jesus, so let us keep Steve around for a bit more. He can help others just by sharing his story, but he’s a character, he brings more to others than just been there done that… He’s cool and fun to hang out with… I know that’s probably why you want him to come chill with you, but you have patience God, and you can just spend more time down with Steve and his family, answering prayers for healing, fun and awesomeness.

Anyway, please no cancer, no need for another round, you know Steve is indomitable, no need to test the man. Tell the devil that Steve Carlson has been through the fire and is so cool he came through the flames with ice still on his skates and foil on his knuckles. Lord God, I pray Steve Carlson starts enjoying rest and relaxation on Earth even before he gets to heaven…. Add a third r there too,relief, from when he sees his results and knows there ain’t anything to be bothered by. I pray this,”God’s will be done.”

God can give a healing to anything, even stuff docs can’t do, but if a healing doesn’t come, a resurrection ALWAYS does.

Love’s the way bro. I’m only half way through the video and only 1/4 a way through my beverage. This is what social media is meant for. The sharing of love and life and hope. Love ya man! Peace! Amen!