History of Modern CCP Propaganda

Do you remember Tiananmen Square where the CCP ran over the university student who wanted democracy? Most of you do or have heard of it.


Do you know what the CCP did after to make sure the university students never protested for democracy again? I would guess most of you don’t. The CCP forces all students to write pro-Communist state propaganda or they torture/execute them: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-07-05/ccp-patriotic-education-young-people-in-australia/100260298

Okay now that you’re on page with what everyone knows. Let me tell you recent events and advances in CCP propaganda.

When the Internet started rolling out for the mass public in about 1998, the CCP soon after saw the Internet as a great place to spread propaganda far and wide on the cheap. I’ve been on the Internet steady since 1992, or even 80s if you consider Compuserve the precursor to AOL. I know all the trends, ups/downs, misinformation, what not, I’m as seasoned as they come. The first CCP propaganda was actually laughable… They were trying to say John Wayne was a pansy, a short man, draft dodger, and not a hero in any way. Everyone laughed at this, but some went,”Wait is that true?” so it was in part slightly effective.

Why did the CCP first target John Wayne as someone to take down? First off, the CCP is afraid of the stereotypical cowboy who stands up for himself. For their control and tyranny to work, they have to have everyone in line and cowards. The Chinese have a saying,”The highest nail up gets the hammer.” This means if someone is resisting their totalitarian rule, they get crushed as an example…Same ol same ol Tyranny.

But why John Wayne? We were all laughing when we realized it was CCP propaganda and John Wayne wasn’t ‘short’, a pansy or all the slander coming from China… Well think about what China fears from the West. They fear us standing up for ourselves like men. They fear the Dr. Strangelove cowboy. They want no resistance for the CCP war they’ve been planing for decades to forge a larger empire and maybe take over the world. This is no joke, this is the plan for a long time, dating back to the 50s when China was though to have had too many people that they the rulers killed babies by exposing them out in the woods. Many rulers go,”If we have not enough land to support our people, and other countries have too much land or their people, that is not right! We must go to war!” It is questionable if you have too many people, and it’s not right to go to war just because of that reason, but many many rulers do think that. Think about the tyrant’s logic,”If I have too many people, and the war fails, I’m left with less people, problem solved. If I win the war, bonus.”

That was the old propaganda, targeting John Wayne. I mean we still laugh and get a kick out of it today. You’d think people of all nations would get a kick out of El Dorado or all those movies with the drunken fights. Heh. Shows you CCP has no heart and doesn’t laugh. But for real the new propaganda is terrifying.

The CCP new insidious propaganda has a few parts we can observe, probably a few we cannot:

Observable Part 1: The Internet has argument bots. They say some pithy insult to as many people as possible. “You’re wrong and your argument smells as bad as you!” “You’re stupid, bad idea, people would not be helped by it, go back to school!”,”You’re such a terrible human being for saying that.”, just canned responses… Like just insults. Just bots plain starting arguments with EVERYONE, started in 2018 when censorship rolled in.

Why does insulting everyone on the internet work insidiously as propaganda? Well it pushes hate. Hate and love are like fires. Love brings pleasure and spreads and makes you want to come together and hang out with your fellow man. Hate brings pain and makes you want to fear and isolate from each other. No surprise the isms came back: Racism/Sexism/Ageism, diversionary terms like no other. When CCP is pushing argument bots online, most people don’t know it’s the case, they think someone is honestly gauging their conversation and gets upset at the hate being pushed. It works to hate everyone, if you want to cause unruly upset people and destruction. If you think covid was bioterror, and started in Wuhan, the masks, isolationism, that also furthers division, that’s up to your judgement,ruling ain’t confirmed, but the scientifically we know that the vaccine does permanently hurt people so don’t get boosters anymore.

So Part 1 is insidious because the way humans work. Even if everyone around you is good and loving, if you can be convinced on social media, traditional news/tv shows/newspaper media that haters are amuck, you think people aren’t good and loving… You begin to change your life according to fear and live in a mind prison if you believe hate is rampant. Also it is not pleasant to always be arguing online, it’s bad for your health to be stressed. Also there’s a part in human nature that thinks because you once argued that you should argue again… When people think arguments are common place, they’re more inclined to argue,and we all know arguments lead to division. This is how traditional media kept people under wraps by using the news to teach you how to argue. Most of you should know that’s the reason the news is so freaking boring staying on one issue for 3-6 months at a time when there are thousands of more issues even on the same topic to talk about. By staying on one issue, it makes it seem like there are no other political ideas, and they teach you how bad they are and how to argue subtly wihout you even realizing it. This is why I stayed out of politics, everyone was taught to argue from tv. But today it’s different. If you do not expose what is going on, USA as we know it is going to be destroyed, because this propaganda operation as well as others is out to destroy us from the inside. You saw it yourself when they tried to ‘Eliminate Free Speech’ by now even the unthinking know bad things are going down. I’m explaining one angle, part 1 of New CCP Propaganda: Hate insult bots, they spur hate and arguments.

Part 2 is an extension of the ol ‘John Wayne is bad’, but instead of using the Internet, CCP/Iran is massively buying ad space on USA tv, bribing politicians, bribing the news, and threatening politicians.

In case you don’t know of the Iran/CCP/Drug Cartel move of threat & bribe… These bad guys will threaten to kill you, your family and or friends… Or you can take a small bribe and do what they say. This is why you’re only hearing about the Iranian Women’s protest now and how Muslim culture allow them to marry women of any age since their leader married a 6 year old. Women are treated as property and if you say anything against Islam, you can be executed. They think this is how the whole world should operate so our news gets threatened never to say bad things against Muslims, but damn if Christians don’t get slandered like we’re the devil himself. The Iran/CCP threat to kill our politicians, movie producers, news media moguls, radio hosts is a HUGE HUGE HUGE thing. It’s gotten worse post 2000 since these foreign countries have more money to pump into our system. But we saw that even back in the 90s, threats of death got Billionaire Perot to bow out: https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1993/11/08/perot-tells-large-rally-of-death-threat/8c3017f6-08b6-48fb-acff-572b8134dc81/ I love when billionaires run for political office on their own money, they ain’t bribed and are a threat to remove the corruption… So self made billionaires get more hate, threats than anyone. I understand Perot backing out tho, I mean he lovingly cared for his daughter.

The mass fake ‘astroturfed’ protests in America you see are to make it so people get bored of protests and real protestors are ignored. The masculinity is toxic movement? Yeah, that’s ‘John Wayne is bad’. CCP doesn’t want you sticking up for yourself, makes you easier to be conquered. First and second amendment repeals? Well that’s also to get you controlled. I don’t own a gun, don’t plan on owning a gun, don’t plan on shooting anyone, but when the populace is armed, the corrupt politicians cook the frog slower, that is to say, they take your freedoms away less boldly.

There’s a couple other parts to their propaganda, but it started out from the kid who got run over by a tank. They made students push mass propaganda in class as homework. Then they made em do it online as homework. Now it’s actually devastatingly effective and hurting us to the point we may no longer be “Land of the Free” anymore. CCP is working hand in hand, writing legislation for our highest politicians, in with our CIA/FBI. Think about it, if another country proxy ruled your country, how much hope do you have for your country to last? No call to action, I only provide information because at this juncture, it is important that everyone KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON, not just the Godamned lies you’re being fed on television. I gave you many examples of the news lying to you, the news moguls in charge of the news lying to you, self proclaimed world elite saying they use the news media as a tool, and you know they teach in school about news propaganda spin. You know you’re being lied to on tv by now, so I’m catching you up with current events and history what is actually going on. Iran/China have our politicians bribed, and this is why this administration props up OPEC by stopping harvesting domestic oil, why we surrendered 50 billion GDP Afghanistan to terrorists and the other questionable things happened.


Chinese students protest for democracy.

Communists shoot stuents with bullets and crush student with tank.

Communists make students profess their love for communism in propaganda as homework.

Communists make these students push the propaganda world wide.

Welcome to 2022, and a few chain of events starting in 1989.

If this sounds completely strange to you, a conspiracy, despite it being history…. Well there’s stranger stuff than that with the CCP in America, they’re in the news sources you respect, trying to change education and more in America. Stuff is down right foul right now.

CCP in the USA: https://nypost.com/2021/03/18/chinese-propaganda-program-in-us-schools-changes-headquarters-name/


Laws against CCP espionage: https://www.rubio.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/2022/11/rubio-introduces-bill-to-ban-ccp-members-from-obtaining-extended-stay-visas-to-u-s

CCP influencing movies from House of Foreign Affairs.gov(examples of CCP cancel culture and why movies suck now since 1998): https://foreignaffairs.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/CCP-Coercion-of-U.S.-Companies.pdf


The list goes on, this is not something that is out there, this is EXACTLY why things are starting to suck in the USA, the CCP & Iran have broken our institutions like dominoes of fear. The symptoms are far less than the disease so we expect for things to get worse in the USA. We may be losing the status of “Land of the Free”, but do not stop being “Home of the Brave.” They’re still afraid of the cowboy, and we should be afraid of nothing. Only cowards think fear is a powerful tool to control. Only cowards seek power and control as a means to mistreat women as sex slave objects. Only cowards execute non conformists for their organs. Only cowards cause wars out of jealousy. The USA is being subverted by cowards, so remember not to be fearful yourself. Just live your life normally, being good and loving to all, but know truth from lies.

I love traditional Chinese culture. I love the Great Wall. I love how their people stay rallied to middle management authority so though their leaders were conquered many times in history, their culture took over the new leader,not the other way around. I love Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, and Confucius. Don’t get me wrong, I’m no anti-asian, I’d even marry a nice Christian asain chickado with no reserves… I’m just pro human rights of everyone around the globe. I think everyone on Earth deserves freedom, and CCP/Iran are acting in a manner which they want the opposite, they want everyone slaves and controlled.

The problem is that the CCP is not traditional Chinese culture though it tries to lie that it is… The CCP destroys and perverts traditional Chinese culture in fact! Lets take one example: Communism will force you to work where they want you. Want to be a theatre folk? Nah you’re a steel mill worker.

Confucius say,”Man who does what he loves for a living, never has to work a day in his life.”

CCP say,”You work where we tell you.”