Rob Schneider Prays for peace

My main man Rob Schneider, love him. It’s funny, we talk about how SNL got corrupted, how television is turning hateful, how the presidential administration is destroying our economy as they teach in academia. People see Rob as his dumb characters he plays in his sketches and movies, but you have to be very smart to make dumb funny and not sad. Rob was first an academic and writer so just talking with a smart guy like him is a pleasure… But now he’s armed with the weapons of truth: Jesus, prayer and no fear of what people think of him. Rob Schneider has just earned mass respect from not just me, but many for standing for the Gospel and the cause of Love in a world of lies and hate. There’s way to win when everything goes bad except through Jesus. Actually even when things go good or even okay, you can’t live forever unless your love burns in a fire as strong as Jesus or aspires to. For two fires burn in a man’s heart. Hate leads to pain and suffering. Love leads to pleasure and togetherness. There’s only one choice: Love, and the only perfect love is Jesus. Look through history for the most loving person of all time: Jesus is the only one who never hurt people in actions or words by never sinning. Jesus healed people and this is loving. Jesus fed people and this is loving. Jesus gave people their dignity back and this is loving. Jesus frees you in your heart to not worry about the tyrants because he’s coming back at the right time to tear them down eternally. Jesus calls us his friend if we too value love above all else like idols such as money, fame, power, connections, skill, respect, lust, you name it… Nothing is more important than love, and it’s time everyone knows. Thanks Rob, Love ya.

Rob ‘The Schneider’ Schneidinator stands for love. Where do you stand? Because if you do not stand on the love of Christ Jesus, you stand on sinking sand. Rob got me stoked for another day, I’m more happy than when I watched SNL back in the day and you knew all those cast members loved their stuff and had the love of friendship there. Where there’s love, you have good times and good people.

If you follow Jesus and love all, you’re sure to get to Heaven. And when you’re up there, you’ll sure to have adventures being able to walk anywhere with no concern for being ambushed by a robber or falling faint from lack of food or water. So many of us might just choose a direction and carefree walk. As you walk carefree, and you come across a river, walk along the edge up and down it. There’s a chance there’s a van parked along side it, and there’s a chance when you knock on the door you’ll get to meet the man living in that van down by the river. There are many friends in Heaven for those with love in their hearts now.

Do not despair ever, anything is possible so walk with complete confidence that God can cure any sickness or disease even ones doctors can’t. If God does not will the cure, he assures a resurrection. This emboldens us. We can not despair too much in sickness of ourselves or others for God can cure it. We can mourn for mourning shows that we loved enough that the loss hurt… But we should not stay mourning for the rest of our lives, for they loved you too and they would not want you to be sad especially since you’ll see em again. God cheats us out of total despair, and we’re thankful for this. The hope of Jesus is assured, and the more faith you have, the more confident you walk in love and helping all those around you in this fallen world.

Rob gets it. Lets help more people get it. God blesses the giver more than the receiver. Live a life to help everyone around you without selfishness, and God will provide blessings on you greater than if you kept everything for yourself. It’s an act of faith to love so boldly in Jesus to be generous. Sure, get your head above water financially, but remember, a lot of people don’t need stuff to be loved… Lots of people just liked to be talked to, others like to be encouraged, others just want the door held for them, still others could just use a joke to cheer up their day. Rob gets it. Everyone needs love. But each person might need love and help in different ways. Go out and be a helper like Jesus. “YOU CAN DO IT!”