Divide and Conquer: Hate used to control.

Here’s how politics works:

Rich corporations or Foreign Countries offer to bribe candidates in what is called ‘Campaign contributions or lobbyists’. In exchange politicians do whatever the entities that bribe them asked them to do. Quite often these entities write the actual legislation and have a lobbyist drop it on the politician’s desk. After doing what the bribing entity asked them to do, they must explain why it is “good for the people.”

It’s your job as the people to determine if what they wrote in legislation is actually good for you or not. If the populace isn’t smart, and doesn’t know how to spot b.s. easy, the politicians can get away with more and more things that aren’t good for you.

Those that bribe politicians realize this and push something called “Divide and Conquer”. It’s a method of control used for a long time. By pitting people against each other in hate, we do not have a unified grass roots voice to ask for specific things. Since we are not asking for things in very specifics, they do what they want and say it is good for you.
Traditional Divide and Conquer pushed racism, sexism, ageism, and rich vs poor if needed. They revived ageism by coining the term Boomer as if it was funny. They added a few more like “Mandate vs Non mandate” which is really “conformity vs nonconformity” and “Mask vs non-mask”. Isolationism had some people forget totally how to be social with others. And the late night hate vs Trump has it okay for half the population just to hate the other half and everyone to be totally okay with that. You have CNN pushing racism against European descendants. You have CNN pushing race riots.

At the end of the day, hate is never okay. Jesus died to save sinners. This means even if someone is very evil today, they could become a saint for eternity if they turn it around and become good. When you think of tyrants: People today think they’re like Mr. Burns who is always evil and plotting. People forget real people are morelike the ‘Grinch who stole Christmas’ that was evil til he realized it wasn’t right to be a hater then became good after some soul searching retrospection.

Did you let the divide and control people get you? Do you think it is tribal us vs them? Are you divided among age/sex/race/religion lines? Do you think it is okay to hate Trump and Trumpers by extension? You’re hating half the country. Look all the anti-liberal stuff I post, I do not hate liberals, I love everyone even those who don’t love me. Jesus says ‘to love your enemy’. So I try and love everyone

When I think of an enemy, I think maybe Iran/China/North Korea who genocide Christians & liberals alike. Libs aren’t on the radar for even being an enemy. I love libs man. (as a Christian, Jesus says their ways of sexual immorality are wrong, but we’re not to change them, just get them to Jesus. When they find out God is real, they can work on changing themselves. So I just love everyone and help everyone I can. I’m a firm believer in helping everyone I can, not just those ‘who’s lifestyle I approve’.) I don’t have libs. I just hate the policies liberals pushed that destroy the country. Yet, no one wants to sit down and talk reasonably about historic national governance actions. No one wants to talk about how laws other countries used change human behavior. People are on a short fuse of hate and won’t talk rationally and logically when behaving emotionally.

Maybe instead of worrying about evil tyrants, some people need to back track. First make sure you yourself haven’t become corrupt in all this hate. The choice to hate throws out all logic. To hate people is to be evil. God wants you to love everyone. The person who chooses hate made up their mind to be emotional and throw out logic.

Television has been doing a lot of coaching to make people hate, and I have no idea why people can’t shut their tv off or watch non hateful older programming. Maybe people are just addicted to television… I hope they don’t become addicted to hating… I hope it’s not too late to learn how to love…