Pray for my Lawsuit Vs Linkedin


Linkedin banned me not once, but twice when I was politely discussing the exclusion of Christians in Big Tech.  They practiced exclusion when I was raising exclusion awareness.  This breaks 1960s civil rights law.  I chose the same lawyers that beat Blizzard since I was lamenting discrimination on Linkedin by Blizzard 1-2 weeks before Blizzard got sued for discrimination!  Linkedin banned me because I called discrimination on a company that later lost a discrimination lawsuit. I informed Linkedin that it is not a good position to stand behind a corporation that lost discrimination in order to discriminate vs me. I only asked for an apology and my account restored then instead they started demanding my social security number and drivers license. You do not give sensitive information to hostile entities. I did not get my account recovered and I got no apologies.

This should be slam dunk, but it will be a California jury hostile to Christians possibly.

I don’t know how it will go, I talk with the lawyers on the 26, and I’m preparing videos and documents that get right to the point of how bad of a violation this was.

Please pray with all you got, this is part of the battle for free speech in America aka all our freedoms we know. Once free speech is gone, they can take away any other right from you and no one will know since they can censor the incidents.


Free Speech has been violated in the constitution since Congress unconstitutionally ruled in 2018 that algorithms can censor anyone due to hate speech. The ACLU campaigned that even the most foul haters should be allowed Free Speech because once you take one group’s speech then any group can be silenced. There is no greater example than as soon as Congress ruled unconstitutionally that hate speech could be censored…. I GOT CENSORED. On twitter, I had a tweet that said,”God is love. Jesus is love. We should all love one another.” Twitter told me that was hate speech. Everyone should love each other is what Twitter considers hate speech. Twitter is owned by organizations who hate Christians, but even then, you can’t twist ‘Everyone should love each other.’ into hate speech. But Twitter deemed that hate speech, and I’ve been censored hundreds more times for saying preaching people should love each other, and it is censored under hate speech. America as we knew it is gone. We need to stand up for our rights by kneeling to God and praying. Pray to God my lawsuit raises awareness of Christian discrimination and the unconstitutionality of restricting free speech. If we do not restore free speech, America that you knew and loved will be no more.