Case of James W. Sager vs Linkedin Discrimination

I didn’t even notice it was 9/11 as I was talking with my lawyers who won vs Blizzard Entertainment about my case for free speech and civil rights violations of Linkedin. I don’t want money, but I must stand up for my rights. Linkedin banned me because I was explaining Christian exclusion in tech: Linkedin excluded me illegally when I was raising awareness of illegal exclusion of Christians that breaks 1960s civil rights.

Zuckerberg himself says it happens in all of big tech:

So I’m taking on the battle of free speech and the unconstitutional congressional ruling of 2018 that says you can censor anyone and exclude anyone “algorithmically” for hate speech violations. But that is not true… I once got banned for saying,”God is love. Jesus is love. Everyone should love each other.” under hate speech laws. I got banned for saying everyone should love each other under hate speech laws, let that sink in. Once you ban one group from talking even if they’re the worst bad guy group ever, you can ban anyone for any reason. They knew this because they are the bad guys and want to censor anyone for any reason.

We no longer have Free Speech in America between the illegal censorship and the Department of Homeland security forming national agencies known as the Ministry of Truth that never really went away, but just out of public scrutiny. We do not have many freedoms in America anymore. The police can take your cellphone and money when they weren’t allowed to take your possessions when the Constitution was respected. I love police, but the rules they operate are handed down by corrupt politicians that break the core principles of freedom that our country is founded on.

The Taliban/Iranians and CCP who hate us and want our nation destroyed are doing a very good job. The Taliban/Iran and CCP have very strict laws in what you can and cannot say, and they reach to America now through bribes and threats of our institutions and politicians. We’ve lost our freedoms, some could say we lost the war since 9/11 that was not fought on the battlefield. Our brave men and women of the military did not lose, they’ve always had honor to risk their lives for freedom. It was our corrupt politicians who violated the constitution that handed our freedom away.

I’m not sure where my Big Lawyers want to take the case, but it could roll into battle vs the enemies of free speech. Pap fought an active war against the enemies of free speech in the 40s. Pap was willing to risk dying for free along side the Greatest Generation. If Pap was willing to die, I’m willing to sit in some boring court room, prepare boring documents and go through this procedure because… Even if I don’t win, I spoke out in a time when they want to censor us all and take away our free speech.

Pleas pray, it will take about 100-200 hours for me to assemble my documentation for this case. It’s a slam dunk case, they banned me for talking about illegal Christian exclusion in Big Tech that violates 1960s civil rights act. In so doing they also excluded me illegal just as I explained was happening, proving I was right and breaking the law in the process. I need prayers though. Despite this being an open and shut case, the trials if they take place will be in California where the jury has the same biases that Zuckerberg says thinks discrimination against Christians is okay.

Again, I need prayers, and I don’t even want to be suing them. But they would not apologize and they would not restore my account I was using to network with video game professionals. So now I am entering the phase where an apology won’t cut it since I have to put 100-200 hours of my time into preparing the case. This is something I don’t want to do, money ain’t even my thing, but America changed and is no longer upholding the constitution or 1960s civil rights act. While I don’t think I can make much of a difference, I still need to do this. Please pray.


I may publicly disclose the information of discrimination of Linkedin after I consult with the lawyers. I’ll definitely focus on other Big Tech on this website in the days to come with focus on how it ain’t right to target anyone of sex/race/religion. I’ll draw parallels between brick and mortar stores with online stores. For example: Starbucks can’t just say ,”Women can’t use our service.”, anymore than Linkedin can say,”Christians can’t use our service.”