Two Arguments Scientists Cannot Win


First off, I’m a very highly educated scientist. I graduated in Carnegie Mellon for a dual Computer Science and General Science major with minor in physics. I’m going to present to you two arguments scientists can never ever ever win vs a Christian.

There are two things science cannot prove, and I can prove why:

  1. Science cannot prove God’s existence.
  2. Science cannot prove God’s non-existence.

How is this important? Well lots of atheists will come at you and act like they’re the smartest people on the planet. They’ll say,”Hey Christian, you’re dumb. If you knew science, you’d know God doesn’t exist. Science proves that God doesn’t exist.”

And this is the part where you should smile inwardly, because you’re about to humble them so incredibly, they’ll never be able to forget their shame until they repent to Jesus and tell him they’re sorry. And this is what God wants you to do. God does not want you respecting liars and those who lie. In fact, he wants you to really troll them and have them remember their shame.

Proverbs 26:5 Give a silly answer to a silly question, and the one who asked it will realize that he’s not as smart as he thinks.

Let us prove first why science cannot prove God’s existence and why science cannot prove God’s non-existence. extremely mild language warning, but it aids in adding shame and ends up giving God more glory to shame the fools to a higher degree.

Science cannot prove God’s existence:

Those who think science should be able to have shown if God exists or not pompously believe God’s hand can be forced by repeatable experiments. No. God is not the play thing of Kings. We can’t just force God to do repeatable miracles over and over again. It is arrogant to demand that God does everything you say. A humble person of faith understands that it is more important that God’s will be done over ours.

Anyone who disagrees God’s will is superior to ours can read The Book of Samuel. It shows how Israel demanded a King even to the point of arguing that God was wrong. God gave them King Saul the first King of Israel, tall, beautiful just like man wants, but his heart and wisdom was lack so he failed Israel. The people god their king they demanded against God’s will. When the people got just what they asked for they realized they made a terrible mistake. The people repented of their sin of outwilling God and asked for forgiveness. Then God sent them David a king with a pure and noble heart.

1 Samuel 8:19 The people paid no attention to Samuel(through whom God was speaking through), but said, “No! We want a king -GNT

Science cannot prove God’s non-existenece:

You must not be a scientist then to say such a thing, right? Otherwise I could tell you a story: Sir, you know science doesn’t know if there is life on Mars. Science doesn’t know if there is life on Venus. If you’ve seen the atmosphere of Uranus, your head has been up your butt. We don’t know if life is in our small solar system let alone the other billions of star systems in our galaxy. And there are billions of galaxies, many of them with billions or star systems, none of which we know if life exists on. Then that are only the galaxies we know of, there may be infinite numbers of them, and the rules by which we think are physics laws may not be there. Science does not know if life exists elsewhere in our universe. So why you making absolute claims of knowledge of life not existing outside our universe?


If someone claims with absolute certainty to say that God does not exist, I give em this form letter regardless if they said they’re a scientist or not. To ask if they’re a scientist gives them a chance to derail the conversation into another topic, grand stand or not respond all of which lessen the impact of their logic error. Also invoking the argument as scientific opens the eyes of onlookers that you’re more educated and handing down wisdom.

Do not be baited into talking science now. The temptation is for them to change the subject and hope others and they forget about you winning the argument for God now. No, walk away. Leave the argument. Do not argue about science things. Most people do not have enough knowledge to argue scientific consensus even those in the field with decades of experience. If you’re not a scientist, it is like entering a boxing match when you’re untrained yourself. Arguing against Neil Degrasse Tyson about science is like trying to fight Mike Tyson in a boxing match. You won’t often win even if you know a lot of science.

Another reason not to argue is that like arguing vs against scientific consensus is like arguing vs the hivemind on the Internet. Even if you know something better than they have, it is hard to digest and accept. I’ve known many things the hive mind has not known and a few rare things the science community has not known before it was proven. When you tell the hivemind something is better than the best thing they know, they’ll mock you. When they discover it is true months or years later, the players change and no one remembers or care. You can bring out your old post that says,”I told you so.”, most people still don’t care.

So those are reasons not to argue against science. But science itself by its core principles is humble enough to logically admit that it has no claims on God. Science cannot force the Hand of God to make him reveal himself by repeated empirical tests. So Science cannot prove God’s existence. Science does not know every place life exists in this Universe. If God was relaxing in Alpha Centauri, we wouldn’t know. We don’t know life exists anywhere outside Earth and our devices we’ve propelled into space. Since science does not know if life exists elsewhere in this observable universe, science can make no claims on life’s existence outside this universe. Use these two arguments and go no further.

There is great power in saying less because people remember what you said more. We talk about that in the conclusion of how to influence friends and family politically to go the right course without offending them, here:

Finally I can offer a unique and logically sound scientific proof of God if you want to follow along. When you pray for things that are unlikely to happen, but happen repeatedly, the odds can be unreal. When these unreal odds happen over and over, it can become staggering, astronomically improbable, or even beyond astronomically possible like the odds of the sequence of miracles happening being far less than the 1 in the number of atoms in the entire universe. To put it simply, if someone hit the Powerball Lottery five times in a row, who among us will go,”Hey, that guy’s pretty lucky?” instead of,”I think there is something going on behind the scenes.” Eventually as the odds get so high, Occams Razor comes knocking and goes,”Really man, at a certain point you gotta give up the ‘everything is a coincidence’ facade.” I’ve experienced over 20,000 miracles the odds of which them being by chance are like hitting the Powerball over 100 times in a row and completely beyond astronomical numbers for the number of atoms in the universe are only like 10^80. If you know order of magnitude calculations and statistics, you can calculate this on your own prayers being answered which is one of many reasons to study science. Whether or not you know science, when the odds get so extremely high that random chance is no longer a logical man’s notion, you see that God is truly real and working for our good in this fallen and sinful world. I present to you some of the miracles I have experienced, and assuming I have no reason to lie for the cause of truth, I present to you proof of God by miracles & probability :

In all things, I just want you to know that love is the way. Jesus is pure love, and Jesus loves you purely even though we’re stained with sin. Once we find this out, we seek to change our life to be less about us, and more to help everyone around us. Life is not about what we get or how happy we are. If we’re chasing happiness and pleasure before it is too late, we will be always asking,”Am I having enough happiness and pleasure now?” And the human heart never has enough when you try and fill it with empty things of this world like money, power, fame. All that is empty and those who have it will tell you. If you fill your heart with Jesus, you’ll be full and satisfied even if life is tough and hard. Your fire you burn from your heart in love will burn those around you and love spreads to this sick and dying world who needs to hear Jesus saved us and that love is the way.

Proverbs 27:20 Human desires are like the world of the dead—there is always room for more.

Matthew 5:6 “Happy are those whose greatest desire is to do what God requires; God will satisfy them fully!