Covid Masks kill more Children than they save

All of the new science tests conclusively find that masks do restrict oxygen! Overturning the corporate science that came out in the beginning of the plandemic that said masks do not restrict oxygen. Here’s three of hundreds:

Science is always founded on experiment so it can be falsifiable, verified, or isolate the variable no one knew about:

If masks don’t hinder oxygen at all, lets take two high schools of equal skill and have their 1 mile track racers race. One with masks the other without. How many people willing to bet me money the ones without masks will finish first? You’re straight up being lied to by false science in all the media that all claim that oxygen isn’t restricted at all by all the 2020 fake science articles [Link to some of many at end of article] there are many other lying articles such as these because they wanted to lay it on thick. Real science knows better: Anyone willing to put money where their mouth is? No one will bet me money in such a race because they know they’ll lose. And yes, this is literally science to take two groups who perform relatively equally(control), and give one group masks and one group not, and race em.

This is quite literally science. But no one will take me up on this ever because everyone knows the racers will masks will do worse. When you face reality and the facts that restricting oxygen does occur in people living non-sedentary lifestyles, then you realize restricting their oxygen impacts their health. And impacted health means they’re more likely to die to covid. The truth always wins vs lies. I’m not saying masks do not have some benefit. What I am saying is that everything in life that seems good has bad to it.

Every cure a doctor prescribes often has negative side effects. This is why we do not just give people a handful of a 100 different drugs to take. While they may cure one thing, they cause ailments in other things. Masks 100% do harm the health of non-sedentary people such as children. Kids don’t need to worry much about Covid, they’re so healthy, they don’t often get impacted much by it.

Data from the CDC reveals 757 deaths of 0-18 yr olds from Jan 4,2020 til Dec 4,2020

757 deaths out of 332,000,000 people. with 99.998% survival rate of all kids 0-18.

From, looks like 1 in 10 children have had it. Yet 99.998% survived 2021.

This means 99.98% survival rate for kids that DO get covid.

Restricting children’s breathing with masks will lower their maximum growth, impact their IQ, lower their quality of life, set them up for heart and diabetes complications. This is certain…. This is why masks are used as torture devices in many countries. At this point, we’re killing kids and not saving them with masks. We’re 100% making children’s health worse by restricting their breathing. So why are we doing this? Are we afraid and trying to save ourselves? Fear brains do not think of the children.

Just for posterity, look at them how they lied to you with fake science and fake reporting of science last year: , , Lies, damn lies and statistics.

Proverbs 17:4 Evil people listen to evil ideas, and liars listen to lies.