Notre Dame: A Fire Inside of Us

In the wake of the Tower of Notre Dame burning, social media was also on fire with people respecting that building of beauty.   It seemed universal that a building that was over 800 years old and that took over 100 years of construction was to be cherished.  Even those who do not believe in holy significances of things still hold a feeling of awe of this particular construction of humanity.

Most agree that the tower is valuable, however; your faith in Jesus is even more valuable than a building.  The things of this world are passing on, but are being preened to live forever.  Faith in Jesus allows you to live forever.  Jesus loves you personally and wants you to live with him in the ages to come that will go on forever.   You might wonder why Jesus loves you or why he cares about you, but he does.   To Jesus, you are worth more than any work of stone or wood made by man.  You are worth more than any amount of money.  He loves you more than all the stars. He loves you more than any mother loved her child. Jesus loves you more than you know even if you know this.

As Jesus was leaving the Temple, one of his disciples said,”Look! Teacher! What wonderful stones and buildings!”2 Jesus answered,”You see these great buildings? Not a single stone here will be left in its place; everyone one of them will be thrown down.” Mark 13:1 (GNT).

The Temple of God was older, more holy, and more valuable than the Tower of Notre Dame.  Yet The Temple of God was destroyed as well.  People’s faith is more valuable than buildings, even buildings older and greater than an 800 year old historic monument!

People look to the burning of the tower of Notre Dame as a tragedy.  But people’s hearts that are callused to think this is a greater tragedy than people getting hurt or losing faith.  We have our priorities wrong if we feel works of stone or wood is more important than even the least of us getting help.   Jesus loves us more than buildings.  If you would live forever and could pick between your best friend and a bunch of lumber to stay with you, the choice is clear why Jesus values us each individually more than buildings.  Somewhere out there, someone is having a temporary bad experience with their best friend and is sarcastically thinking, “Give me that lumber to stay with me.”

If anyone should cause one of these little ones to lose faith in me, it would be better for that person to have a large millstone tied around his neck and be drowned in the deep sea.” Matthew 18:6 (GNT).

This is a warning to not corrupt the youth.  But it shows how important faith is!  God really values faith.  It is a sin to hurt others’ faith.  There are great rewards for helping people be encouraged about life and have faith in God.  Following God gives a great sense of purpose.  God’s friendship is a reward in itself.  Always having God by your side means it is much harder to get lonely. I used to get lonely even when people were around!

15 But the Lord says, “Can an ax claim to be greater than the one who uses it? Is a saw more important than the one who saws with it? A club doesn’t lift up a person; a person lifts up a club.” Isaiah 10:15 (GNT).

Here we see our tools and possessions are not worth more than we are.  It is said in other places too.  We are more important than what we make.  One might use a tower as a tool to help others faith.  Another might use a church as a comfortable meeting place and gather prayer and resources to help the world.  Our tools and possessions can be useful to gather more to gain more tools and produce more or help the poor.  Our possessions are not ultimately useless, but we are more valuable than anything anyone owns.  Any single individual of us is more valuable than all the possessions on Earth.  You cannot understand the value of a soul than know it is 800-year-old than you can imagine.  Always tell God that you are thankful that he keeps your soul and that it cannot leave his hands.

“For I am certain that nothing can separate us from his love; neither death nor life, neither angels nor other heavenly rulers or powers, neither the present nor the future,39 neither the world above nor the world below- there is nothing in all creation that will ever be able to separate us from the love of God which is ours through Christ Jesus our LORD.” Romans 8:38 (GNT).

So a fire destroyed a masterpiece, an artifact, a holy relic, a visually appealing sight.  A fire destroyed a cathedral tower of the faithful.  However, if you yourself become more faithful after this event, the loss could be turned into an overall gain.   Let the fire of Jesus burn in your breast so that you go from person to person telling them how much Jesus loves them.  Spread the fire of Jesus all around the world.  It is the greatest thing we can do before we die then Jesus raises us from the dead so we can meet him.

“I came to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already kindled.” Luke 12:49 (GNT).

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