Proof Elon Musk’s X Twitter still censors Christians & it started 2018 when Congress outlawed free speech by algorithm.

I used to get 3 likes for a bad joke, 15 likes for an okay joke, and 100 likes for a great joke.

Then Congress passed a law forbidden in America aka unconstitutional. [Read]

Laws forbidden in America are that way because they destroy your fundamental freedom, aka freedom of speech.

Congress passed a law that you could break the first Amendment law by censoring only if you did it by computer algorithm.

Well, that’s not right… Why can’t I break the law of robbing a bank if I do it by computer algorithm?

This is because algorithms don’t allow you to break the law, but Congress did anyway.

Here’s a twitter search from 2018 to 2023 ” (from:jamessager) min_faves:7 until:2023-08-23 since:2018-03-31

In 5 YEARS: only got 20 posts with over 7 likes. I often beat that in a single day, and sometimes a single hour when I wasn’t censored.

Contrast that with my history before 2018 censorship: (from:jamessager) min_faves:7 until:2018-03-31 since:2006-01-01

That showed 63 in about one year, but the search doesn’t show all because there’s too many to list from other years too.

The idea that in about one or two years I got over 3x as many posts as I got in 5 years shows you some data, obviously one could argue the amount I post… But you can tell when you’re censored, besides Twitter openly emailing me about taking down my one post… I used to get 3-10 followers a day, since the incident I only lost followers for years… I would get likes all the time, since the incident, lucky if I get one like in many posts… Twitter changed, it got darkened by the veil of censorship. Elon said he lifted censorship, but it’s still there, almost as bad as it’s ever been. I like Elon, I think he means well and some rogue employees are sabotaging him… Otherwise the news breaking of the Hunter Biden laptop and censorship of Christians online wouldn’t be hitting the department of justice.

To learn more about some censorship I personally witnessed, click: