Faith Club Church

Opening: Since I lowered the number of people to this news letter to just opt in, it wasn’t very many people… maybe like 3-4. I got discouraged few wanted to opt in that I didn’t want to press on. A spiritual warrior in Christ from Twitter @TYZWORLD encouraged me to continue, so we’re back. :)

Prayer of Forgiveness: God, forgive us for finding excuses to get side tracked when things aren’t going our way. May we stay true to the mission of spreading the Good News to all. Jesus is the most important thing real or imaginable. Let us exult him. Thank you Jesus for forgiving us every time we mess up or fall. Help us try to serve you better each time and to resist the evil one’s attacks.

Movements of the Holy Spirit: 7-21-2019 I have been discussing with my spiritual ally Victor Nunez about how many things I have in life. When I was growing up, I balanced between exercise and video games and I got good at both. Now I know God is real so I serve him. My family needs my help often. I am trying to make video games. I am making other software. I make money online doing this and that.

Because I have so many things. I cannot do any specific thing well. I am stretched too far in any direction. I start living as efficiently as possible, spending little time eating or multitasking and such to get more time doing stuff. Then because I’m in such a rush, my patience sometimes is thin when my family wants to waste time shopping with me.

On 7-21-2019, the sermon was timely. The pastor Glenn Hart spoke on focus. He said if we had too many things to focus on, just make sure you focus on God. So I am happy to get back to writing Faith Club Church Daily Breads. :)

Today’s Blessing: I bless you guys with hope for returns in your life. Returns to things when things were cool. Returns of people you loved in your life coming back. Returns of your ministry to great audiences. I pray for Jesus to return too at the right time, and suffering to end.

Praise for God: Hey God! Anything is possible with you. Your friendship is super awesome. You are super awesome. Just knowing you gives us peace. Give us even more peace as we fight against the enemy. God can give us anything and knowing him now as friend is better than anything he can give us. Praise God! Hallelujah! Woo! Yeah God, yeah!

Prayer Cues:

Lets pray that science research goes fruitful and not too immoral. I’d like new cures to diseases. It looks like paraplegics will be able to use their arms/legs within the next 25 ish years or so if the research goes on. Lets hope and pray so.

Lets pray that people find decent ways of supporting their families as jobs become scarce.

Lets pray they make enough housing to support the immigration and birth rate if you want.

And always remember police, firefighters, paramedics, soldiers, doctors, nurses and surgeons.

Scripture of the Day:

Luke 12:37 How happy are those servants whose master finds them awake and ready when he returns! I tell you, he will take off his coat, have them sit down, and will wait on them.