They say if you don’t want to hear it, having hope hurts because you don’t have what you want now, but God gives eternal hope. God is good and loving and doesn’t change. So there’s no chance a zillion years in the future he’ll be like,”Hey, let me be an annoying jerk.” So we have eternal hope.
Do what you can now. Be good and loving always. You might be bringing glory to God as you are honest, good and loving as trials come your way. Some of us get more trials than others. Do your best and pray often. You can even pray not to go through hard testing. And know that even after a lifetime of trying to be good because of Jesus, Life truly begins! In the next life, anything is possible, and God will fulfill and satisfy us fully.
Just want you to know God is real, and you matter to him. Jesus is LORD! So be good and loving always. My prayer is you have more faith in Jesus. Even a little bit of faith can do great things. Even a little bit of faith that one person has is worth more than all the wealth in the world. You kinda wonder why people strive for money so much when they could be striving for works of the spirit and wisdom instead which is more important.
God loves you whether you’re a Christian or not. God loves you even if you don’t think he’s real. God loves you even if you hate him. God loves you even if you hate people down here. God is a very forgiving God. God knows you can turn it around and be good at any moment through the blood of Jesus. Jesus died for you because he loves you. Will you have Jesus as your friend and savior? He makes for a pretty cool bro. And eternal life is nice too.
I’m a dude who knows God is real. My prayer is that you have a greater faith in Jesus.
Though we go through trials and temptations, God is with us through it all. Knowing that Jesus loves us and has a pleasant happily ever after ending to our lives gives me joy. Knowing that God can heal anything gives me joy. So if I or someone I know is sick, I just keep praying for healing, better doctors and better health researchers. If someone dies, I know it isn’t the end. I won’t see them again on this fallen world, but I will see them again in the next life where there is no suffering.
This is truth. Jesus is truth.
This is fact. God is real. I know for a fact he exists.
You can see with your eyes that there is good and evil in this world. You got this from your ancestors defying God. Without that, there would be no evil at all.
The key is that if good and evil are facts and not just constructs that we made, that a being of pure good is imaginable. Also imaginable is that if everyone wanted to obey the being of pure good and try and be good themselves, peace could be achieved. Heaven only makes sense if people aren’t being evil to each other.
God is good. God loves you a lot. You matter to God and God’s opinion is basically fact. Try and be as good as you can. God can purify a corrupt mind and heart over time. We might always feel as fallen sinners especially as we see how much we miss the mark, but Jesus saves sinners. Jesus forgives every wrong you ever did, so forgive yourself now.
Anyway, have a good Memorial Day weekend. Buckle up when you drive, and don’t drive drunk. God bless and protect you.