Godless man just likes to have fun & selfishness breeds hate & hate destroys society.

I’ve ran this proof before in many ways. This is in response to a person who said:

Believe it or not, some people are good people because they feel a need to help other people.

-A redditor

Some is a fun word. Some can mean almost all. But here, some means: Not a lot, not many at all, in fact quite so few its almost negligible. Being nice and fair for the sake of being nice is so rare in fact, that’s what got God’s attention on Abraham to begin with. From the beginning of time to Abraham, very very very very few people in the world were nice. Some? Sure, but some can mean next to none.

History and logic teaches mankind’s basic nature lends itself to selfishness. Logically selfishness leads to hate. Logically hate leads to destruction of society. Let’s explore.

Phase 1: Most men like pleasure for himself over others. It ain’t just girls who want to have fun.
1) Lets say you worked a two week shift of 80 hours and after you paid your bills, you had 100$ free money. Would you donate all 100$ to the poor? Or spend the 100$ on entertainment such as asking beautiful people out on dates for a significant other? Say what you will, a majority of people are biased to pleasure for themselves over others or they won’t even want to work. Why toil day in and day out working hard and denying yourself pleasure just to help others? It doesn’t make sense. There’s even songs about quitting jobs if it ain’t supporting a love life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gj2iGAifSNI

Phase 2: Selfishness breeds hate.
When you the selfishness in the vast majority of people from phase 1, just out there living for themselves… You ask for them help, they gives none, they’re busy enjoying they’re own pleasure. You get pissed off, you start hating they ain’t helping you when you have been helping people all along. You help people, but when you need help, these guys won’t. You think,”Why help em?” The selfish bend of man breeds hate. The majority of people are selfish and for themselves even in today’s culture even if you don’t see it. I have people stop me and tell me,”Jim, you’re different. Everyone else leads their lives for themselves. You open doors, you uplift people in conversation, you help people with their work if they ask. Everything you do is for others. Why is that?” Yes, people today are selfish in the majority if you don’t see it, people stop me and tell me this often. But we have more evidence later that culture does lean towards selfishness, criminality and hate. Let’s continue.

Phase 3: Hate and Love burn like fires.
Hate spreads by hate. A guy punches you. You punch back. The hate spreads. They tell their friends/family, and Hatfields vs McCoys emerges. This can get bigger than just family, community,state, nations, wars. Hate spreads pain and it comes back and burns you.
Love’s the same way. You’re nice to others, they’re nice to you. You can’t set the forest you live in on fire without getting the burn back. Hate spreads pain. Love spreads pleasure. When you’re hated, don’t hate back, love back. You can’t be sure to make them love, but you have a chance when you love instead of hate.

Phase 4: Everyone says they’re the good guy.
Caesars, Tzars, Kaisers, Tyrants: None of them say,”I’m fricken M. Bison the bad guy. Come fricken kill me if you can, but you can’t, cuz I’m large and in charge.” Nah, every single one says,”I’m benevolent leader.” And children to about age 12 believe this stuff you tell em… Just ask a child if they would want to support PBS, or other causes… A child wants to support all causes, they think every cause championed is good because they don’t know better. Now in a dictatorship when a person gets old enough, they might go,”NO! THE LEADER IS BAD!” But the community around them not smart enough to know better turn them into the secret police. It’s always good to PRETEND TO BE GOOD, no matter how evil you are. The devil likes to play dress up.

Now people get fooled easily, and don’t realize a lot of people around em are putting on a front. Very evil and selfish people you pass by every day, but don’t get it. There’s a joke that honest goofy, fun loving people get accused of being on drugs more than actual drug users, for drug users try and act normal. The front people put on hides their true selfishness. But people do catch on over time.

For this reason, we look to Chinese symbols like Yin and Yang, where as society grows very evil, there’s still some core good to turn it around. But when everyone’s going evil, it encourages the good to cheat too as to make up for being victims of crimes. Just look at any video game where hacks go rampant. People see the hacks and go,”Well if I don’t hack myself, then I’ll be a victim of hacks.” Honest people do go corrupt just to stay in the game.

This collective consciousness of if things are good or bad, changes from culture to culture, time to time. Have you heard the term,”When in Rome, do as the Romans do?” The idea is that if everyone’s treacherous and backstabbing or you better be that way too. There’s another saying,”Sometimes there is so little honesty that those who stop doing evil find themselves the victims of crime.” People raised in the free world forget what it’s like under tyrannical rule or under state sponsored mafia for they always had it good.

TL:DR Since everyone wants to be seen as the nice guy, don’t be fooled that everyone is nice. People lie.

Phase 5: Bonus-People Find Out

As people learn their fellow man is hateful, they slip even more. In fact when people say they’re a saint then do the things they say not to, you hate them even more fierce. How many politicians don’t practice what they preach, but say they’re the nicest guy ever? How many people push environmentalism wanting you to live on less then own private jets? Hypocrisy of wanting to appear good when you’re not is evil and breeds hate.

When you’re not in the know, living a day to day life of not analyzing things, you just go by what you experience. We live 2000 years since Jesus told everyone to love because love defeats even death. We’ve moved on from dehumanizing fights against animals in Colosseum, crucifying random people just to push fear not to oppose the empire. We moved on from women having no rights or education and being treated as no more than property. We moved on from abusing children in work. We moved on from mob justice to courts. We have civilization because we as humanity now believe there’s a reason above what we see and touch to give each other rights and freedoms beyond enslavement under tyrant kings.

Remember Yin and Yang… I’m in my 40s… I’ve seen things in America go from awesome in the 80s/90s with arcades and good music/movies, to this cancel culture, hate fest of World War 3 we’re in now. Things are getting hateful, lies are growing, but they’re not as hateful and cruel as they’ve been deep in history. We’re still pretty bright, and some people look around and are fooled that people are basically good by nature, not knowing facts. So that’s great you’d want to be nice and help people for no reason, no reason you can quantify. Great! I wish more people would just be good and loving to all for no reason other than it just seems right(for that’s the spirit of love speaking to them even if they do not know the spirit of love’s name). Problem is this setting sun of culture, this worsening we see in the age of misinformation does not seem to be getting any brighter. As things get worse and worse, and hate spreads, less people see their fellow man as someone who will help and more of someone who will hate. This is why racism is being pushed in the media when in person, people are cooler than ever to make up for the lies of the media. The media wants people in a mind prison of hate so they can be controlled easier… You know the isms. So as the light of mankind sets, and hate/cruelty rises, less man will think,”By nature man is nice.”


Some people are good people because they feel a need to help

-The redditor

I’m not against people helping fellow humanity apart from knowing you’re demanded to by God. I do encourage many to enjoy the feeling of wanting/needing to help as long as they can… I encourage many people to be nice and help even if they have different religions or no religion at all. For when people are nice and helping they’re serving the God of Love. When everyone is hating and harming and wars spread, less people feel they should help. When everyone is hating and harming people fight for their own security more and see less humanity in others to help. When everyone is hating and harming, you gotta dig deep, you gotta have the ancient philosopher Jesus who said to always love back or you’ll become part of the hate yourself. Don’t become part of the problem, always love. No one who ever lived, loved as much as Jesus, for he never hurt others, only healed, fed and encouraged them. Life is full when you are non stop for others to the point of self sacrificially throwing your own life and passions away so you can help others more. Some people will help, most won’t, and basically none will throw their whole life away just to help others. This is human nature because we like to have fun.