Mensa on Reddit Censored me because I expose flaws in the system and how to fix.

Mensa is an organization supposedly to assemble intelligent people, but really is a divisionary static pushing organization so smart people don’t team up and actually fix things. They censored my post for no good reason because I point out the flaws in the system and the fixes we can employ. These guys are supposed to enjoy the intelligence and accomplishments of others so I gave them my credentials.

A drive by from one of those elusive “off the charts” “given no IQ score because he didn’t score on the IQ test range”- James Sager III

Started gaming age 3, coding age 4, game design age 6.

#1 world in many military strategy games known to be far more demanding than chess such as Starcraft: Been famous before youtube existed, top 10 world people feared me since I was on an entire new level.

Theorized the future of video gaming as MMORPGs at age 8 or 9 reading a compute magazine about Compuserve on C64. Started working on what could have been first MMO in 1992 solo.

IQ exam, I scared my examiners by inventing the maths to do the upper level problems beyond the normal test for my age bracket. They took the exam and ran off scared before the alotted time was over.

Peers at Carnegie Mellon advised me I was foolish to sleep on 20 rocket science problems they correctly assessed would take them a total of 100 hours. I sat down and did each question right one minute at a time. I saw the same look of fear at my intelligence.

I theorized the viability of the electric car at Carnegie Mellon also, but my peers laughed at it. Not one professor of physics agreed with me.

In 2002, I wrote a paper about Artificial Intelligence how all we need is good censors, and everything Computer Science has already could make a C3PO, a Bender, or even a research robot who could make new scientific discoveries, Again people laughed, today people again realize I was right and sensors + physics imagination is tough, and translating natural language to a programming interface is easy in relation.(ChatGPT made before a brainless robot that can map out a building and identify objects inside.)

In highschool: Invented Global Positioning System when the public was not aware it existed: Attended a military expo at Westinghouse and saw their ATV drones could not be automated to get around trees/ditches/streams… I figured to waldo them for remote operators… But that required encryption. I opted for angle of EM spectrum and figured beaming from satellite. The problem is I might not have position for angle so I needed time… After a few weeks, I realized 3 satellites could find that time and position and designed GPS as we know it(It already existed, just designed it as it was, sans relativistic adjustments)

I’m the author of League of Legends Player Tribunal anti cheat. I designed it for Blizzard Entertainment, Tod took it over with him. I called it Player Policing, and I got into counter hacking because I was upset people cheated in Starcraft and pressured other to cheat thus ruining the integrity of the game and the player’s integrity. Blizzard can’t monitor all games, but if you pressed a button to report a hack at a certain time, it could send a screen shot of the other player’s screen and if the minimap is seen + its not an advanced enough hack to detect the screen shot send(super likely since this is early days), then a Blizzard employee looks through higher probability of people being hackers… It went even beyond today’s social media algorithms where reports ALWAYS deamplify people… It rated people based on the frequency of being right and prioritized them more while the clueless spamming hacks but all being false reports get deamped… Was cool. No credit, no ty, no job offer, in fact the opposite, a cancelled job offer…

You’ll see I have a problem, maybe a problem similar to yours… In the corrupt society of billionaires and bribery… The last person they want to succeed is the really smart guys like us that are honest and will not tell a lie. We’re the biggest threat to the system and they’d rather have us broke and unemployed.

Eagle Scout.

1999ish: Predicted OCR license plate readers for police

Designed a better version of Pokemon Go, 9 years before Pokemon Go came out, but didn’t want to be small pockets and be sued to be known as the man who got kids ran over by cars… So I waited for a big player to pave precedence. I was coding the superior game with a Make a Wish Child so he can say he made a game: , but Google deplatformed it and deplatforming games is why they’re in trouble with their anti trust.

Before Elon bought Twitter and exposed the algorithms, I was censored under hate speech in the 2018 unconstitutional law to censor by algorithm… I can’t rob a bank by algorithm, why can congress break a superior law: Freedom of speech with it?

It was silly too, the phrase they considered hate speech,”God is love. Jesus loves you. We should all love each other” Since then censored 1000s of times which you can search for “censor” on for.

PS: I was telling Elon to buy Twitter and expose the Algorithms pretty much before anyone: Since I knew the stakes of freedom are higher than money(totalitarians take over, boom, they eventually can tell even billionaires to surrender their wealth).

Though people said I had the most entertaining Twitch breaking 100 users, and I expected to climb rapidly, I got banned for saying Iranian women need rights before the Revolution happened + I said Jipang Xi of CCP should not be harvesting peaceful protestor organs in Hong Kong and I said drug lords are evil. Amazon called what I said HATEFUL CONDUCT! I replied,”If reporting human rights abuse is hateful, then do you also think police should arrest people who report crimes?” The key is Amazon doesn’t want to lose lucrative business contracts with totalitarian human rights abusing dictatorships… So they’d rather silence the voices of peace that call to lame duck the war machine… I’m in talks now with Amazon how it might be in Bezos and his top executives best interest to start standing for peace instead of giving it lip service.

In WW3 there’s three dystopic conditions that seem likely: China RISK conquers the world traditionally, Iran Dane Gelds the world with increasingly larger threats of terrorism. or MAD(Russia and USA press button which Iran is bribing Biden to do since they’re both mutual enemies and Iran doesn’t care if the world implodes[Those in the know, know. Those that don’t won’t understand here.]) All three of those options are terrible, so I’m trying to explain to Bezos and crew that they made a mistake banning a peaceful human rights advocate… I don’t think they’ll get it… I’m quite cynical about bean counters who think their decision making is validated by having more beans than others.

I’m a guy without water, without garbage collection because I don’t get employment by big tech. When I slave years to make a game on my own Big Tech thinks its cool not to pay me: The responses show I got scammed by nearly every Big Tech, and not treated fairly let alone get a job by any of them.

When you’re smart, they’re very very afraid of you especially if you’re honest. You could wreck their hookers and blow gravy train then what? Maybe let men and women live together where they can make a living and get by.

You know homelessness is by design right? By Land Lord Lobbys bribing politicians to restrict housing to be less than births/immigration, they create artificial scarcity by lowering supply, raising demand and make profit.

Another one like that Student loans or Mortgages: When you give everyone X credit to buy a good they compete over, they end up all spending what they’d normally pay + X * a coefficient close to 1. Yes, banks caused the student loan crisis. Yes, banks are why houses are so expensive and people who once called Al Bundy a loser look to him in jealousy. Both my grand parents bought a 3 story house + basement + land , one had a barn for… The wages of an uneducated worker in the late 40s. Think on that, since then we had 70 years experience, 70 years research, computing+automation, economy of scale, globalization of shipping infrastructure… Dudes that’s like 10,000x production, we should all own like 10 houses, not be jealous of Al Bundy’s one. Most of us have an education which means our work should be more valuable than a 1948 coal miner? But why did the 1948 coalminer be able to obsessively buy more than us?

Answer: Corrupt Billionaire games want you poor. Billionaires love their hookers. If they can pay less by making everyone poor and get the side effect of being the Hallmark prince to pull em out of the very slums they created, bonus! The chickens have come back to roost from the 1960s exodus of jobs to the Far East. It had nothing to do with us doing the educated labor and they doing the physical as said… The lie told to our parents that everyone goes to college only got us enslaved to student loans… And now China, well they’re bribing the USA to write our laws. I told people in Carnegie Mellon in the 90s that China was a super power that will only become more dangerous… Again I got laughed at.

A person with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds.-Mark Twain

I’ve had so many ideas that became multimillion/billion projects of corporations who had the teams and resources to make em happen that my friends say I should have a website I Thought Of It First Dot Com, lol. They’re right and I’m almost always right on my multimillion/billion ideas.

Want to read the most Willy Wonka mixed with Fred Savage’s The Wizard Resume you’d ever see: This is not BS, I can prove most of it, and I have no reason to lie for the cause of truth.

It’s just funny, Mike Judge’s Idiocracy had more hope than the world we live in since they valued people of high IQ. Today’s world is afraid of you because the higher you go to society’s architects, the more crooks there are. I could go on for days about how the system is rigged: I just don’t think the way to beat the system is political… So I don’t see a reason to fight the system on its own terms.

While I try and figure out a better way for mankind, I just focus on my own video games and the Spirit of Love through Jesus. They say 10,000 hours in a field makes one a master. I did math in my non stop relentless pursuit of coding/gaming/design and saw I had 150,000 hr. I fancied myself at that moment a renaissance artist. I walked to the post office and met a woman about 60 and I small talked her as is custom to be polite to all people and she said,”You look Italian. You talk very intelligent. You must be a renaissance artist.” The first time I ever thought of myself as a neo-renaissance artist was about 5 minutes before that. The first time anyone ever called me that was her. This is no coincidence, this is a God affirmation. I can prove God exists in this manner when you get these answered prayers and you’re smart enough to run orders of magnitude calculations:

Love’s the way. Spread the love, not the hate. Both are fires. Love is eternal.

-James Sager III