Google vs Make a Wish Children

In the anti-trust lawsuit vs Google:

A Make a Wish Child is one of the people Google trampled on.

Google wouldn’t let a Make a Wish Child’s game stay on Android because it was not politically acceptable. But it’s only like Pokemon.

He spent hundreds of hours on this game. I spent thousands just so he could tell his friends me made a video game. Google kept deplatforming us on Android, and it turns out he lawsuit is that they did this for political reasons.

This is no surprise since as a Christian I am hard censored on Youtube.  You could not search my videos and they never got suggested.  I even had one get 10,000 views one day because it was featured on a famous streamer’s site and no organic views after.  People who look for my content who aren’t even tech people tell me Youtube has me censored. 

It’s terrible that they’re censoring Christians and our brothers in faith the Jewish people again… Didn’t we learn from the dark history of the 1940s this is wrong?  Google’s not alone in this malignant stance of censorship: Amazon will not allow Christian books to be seen and authors to be paid: Facebook censors Christians and Mark Zuckerberg admits they do: OldTwitter censored me under hate speech for saying,”Everyone should love each other.” because I was Christian.  You remember recently even the FBI called Christians a hate group: In America, the person who wins lawsuits is the people with more money.

Can they really find Google/Amazon/Apple/Facebook guilty when they have so much money they have a bribery network?

They call hate love and love hate.

Can justice be had in America anymore?
