Historically there has never been a safe RNA vax

Guys I’m sorry my page has less spiritual content and more political, but God wants us to expose lies for Jesus is the God of truth.

Scientifically and historically speaking, there has never been an RNA vaccine that was safe on humans, never. The old ones were often directly fatal. This is why there was a 10 year investigation phase before approval of RNA vax. Remember in 2019, Fauci expressed how upset he was at regulations and wanted to break the law. Now we reap the consequences of his greed of the now known to be deadly covid vaccine & boosters. They don’t all immediately kill you, but build up in your system, weakening your organs like say cigarettes/lead/mercury don’t immediately kill you.

Scientific outlets have known this for a while, but most people don’t know how to read it. It’s gotten so bad, even the for profit “science” corporations have to be issuing warnings:


[Not just the RNA vax having issues, traditional gave 20% of people blood clots and it got yanked] https://www.yalemedicine.org/news/coronavirus-vaccine-blood-clots

https://www.cell.com/trends/molecular-medicine/fulltext/S1471-4914(22)00103-4 [If you read conclusion, only in elderly patients is cost benefit worthy. The younger folk who have 99.98% survival and a life in front of them do not want to permanently disable their organs for a smaller chance at survival].

I gave you guys a half dozen articles about this what last year, Covid RNA vax is an abysmal failure, resulting in many deaths now. People just dropping dead, people getting permanent health conditions after vax, like our family experienced. The health companies treat everyone like guinea pigs for profit. More disturbing is that BIG TECH censors you when you mention science organizations. You don’t even need to be talking about the virus. BIG TECH is/was saying the National Institute of Health is disinformation.

Same companies that would just experiment on people in the field: