A miracle I remembered before I was a believer.

Now that I am a believer, I get about 5-50 miracles a day that I notice. I imagine God does many many many more things than I notice. Averaging the miracles that I know I have received, I’ve gotten over 20,000 miracles since I’ve become a believer, but looking back, I remember God distinctly working BEFORE I knew he was real.

I went to Carnegie Mellon University and one day I wished,”I REALLY WISH student loans would give me $1000. It’s tough to get by. I’d then drive to Monoville Mall, and there I REALLY WISH a nice leather jacket like Indiana Jones would be on sale for 150$.” Mind you that leather jackets started at about 350$ minimum and student loans never gave me any money in the previous 3 years ever. Sooo…. THAT VERY DAY: I get called to the tuition office, and student loans wanted to cut me a check for exactly 1000$. I took that money and drove to Monoville Mall. Inside the mall in one of the major department stores there was a rack of Indiana Jones style leather jackets for 150$ on sale.

Unthinking and illogical people go,”Well, that’s JUST A COINCIDENCE!” priding themselves on the foolishness they esteem as knowledge. But statistically minded scientists like myself can notice when the odds go beyond astronomical. Lets calculate odds for this: I was in college about 3 years, and never did student loans give me a cash payment. So this is a one in X odds to start with. A semester is about 15 weeks, and each week has 5 days to be at school. 3 years of 2 semesters each is 6 semesters. 6 semesters x 15 weeks * 5 days = 1 in 450 event for student loans giving money on a day. The odds of them giving me exactly 1000$? Well ignoring cents, lets look at the logical $ amount they could have dropped on me. I don’t think they’d go above 4200$ and anything less than 25$ is trivial, so the odds is any dollar amount in between or 1 in 4175,lets make it 1 in 4000 because you can smooth estimates for math (if you’re a scientist you understand). Just spit balling, it seems like things go on sale 1 in 10. So the odds of any jacket being on sale is like 1 in 10. The odds of even having a leather jacket of the style that I liked probably 1 in 5. It is not uncommon for a department store to have a brown leather jacket, and only a teeny bit uncommon to have Indiana Jones style leather jacket everyone likes. Now the price being exactly 150$ odds? Well the legal range of leather jackets at the time was 100$ to 1200$. So 1 in 1100. We add a bit extra for the absurdity of the edges of the bell curve being low so lets say 1 in 10 since it doesn’t happen often. To find the full odds you multiply them together:

1 in 450 event to get money from student loans.

1 in 4000 event to get exactly 1000$ I “wished for” that day.

1 in 10 for a jacket to be on sale.

1 in 5 for the department store having the jacket type I wanted.

1 in 1100 for the price to be 150$

1 in 10 for the price to be so low on the bell curve.

The way probability works in this case is to multiply them all together to get the total odds for the event.

1/450 x 1/4000 x 1/10 x 1/5 x 1/1000 x 1/10 = 1/900,000,000,000

Total odds of the event is 1 in 900,000,000,000 or one in 900 billion… Quite close to 1 in a trillion!

That’s just one miracle of 20,000+ I experienced… You start multiplying all the odds together of them happening as probability dictates, and you’ll find they’re literally beyond astronomical. It’s like picking an atom in the entire universe and randomly picking it again dozens of times in a row. Coincidence is no longer an option. It is like a man who hits the powerball lottery every single day of his life. No one goes,”That man is absurdly lucky”. Thinking individuals go,”Something is going on behind the scenes.” If you’re a rational thinker who knows I have no reason to lie: I just proved God’s existence to you. Love is the way, be good and loving to all, helping everyone for life is short and money/power/fame do not satisfy like making friends for eternity. Jesus tells us to love all.

If you want to read more of the miracles I experienced and be assured God exists: www.goodnewsjim.com

I didn’t even pray for the jacket, I just really really wished and willed for it… So watch your heart, what you desire, good or bad, can manifest as your reality if God wills it to be done. God translates wishes to prayer for those who don’t know they’re praying. You now know this, so pray to God,”Forgive me of when I did wrong through Jesus. I’ll try and be like Jesus and be nice and uplifting to all no longer living for just myself but my brothers and soul sisters of humanity!”