The Fight for Freedom of Speech & Twitter

Though Elon bought twitter, there are still liberal bribed moles still censoring posts, shadowbanning accounts as fiercely as they can inside defiantly. I guess they figure the criminal penalty for violating free speech is low and the bribes coming in are very high. The fight for free speech is not completely won. My account is once again shadow banned for despinning some news outlets. The reason Social Media was seen as a threat to begin with is traditionally news has been looked at as a one way influencer of the population with no dissenting opinions. It’s why they promote arguments over rational discussion since they push so much baloney it breaks down when logically analyzed. When Social Media came around, people breaking from websites to all discuss in a fenced in walled garden type venue, then those who wished they could go back to the days where news was a one sided feed, and people would just not have discourse stepped in and censorship rolled in. Make no mistake, both liberals and conservatives, and everyone who has a pulse should oppose censorship. It is not just an evil. Censorship is extremely extremely evil and is only used by those who want to push lies and not let the truth be heard.

Why is twitter relevant for the Battle of Free Speech? Twitter – Amazon -Twitch – Youtube – Reddit -Facebook all censor and shadow ban Christians, Jews and Conservatives. As these places that people gather get uncensored, they can push less lies in the media. They can push less hate on television. How did we get to the point where Liberal Democrats spy on everyone, censor those they politically disagree with out of hate, namely Jews and Christians? How do people let these guys copying literal Nazi Germany tactics of WW2 hypocritically say,”Freedom of speech only empowers nazis.” This censorship needs to be shut down now! Freedom of speech must be restored! Stand for Elon Musk and his Twitter take over now, he’s kicking out the folk pushing censorship, but some rats pushing censorship are still working on the inside. Pray that those who oppose freedom of speech will be opposed by God. Vote against censorship for censorship is a one sided affair, only coming from the liberal democratic left. I am voting straight ticket republican until the left drops censorship as a core virtue. The democratic left is taking us down the road that led to World War 2, and it’s bringing us close to World War 3.

Genesis 12:1 The Lord said to Abram, “Leave your country, your relatives, and your father’s home, and go to a land that I am going to show you. 3 I will give you many descendants, and they will become a great nation. I will bless you and make your name famous, so that you will be a blessing.

4 I will bless those who bless you,
But I will curse those who curse you.
And through you I will bless all the nations.”

-The Bible Good News Translation