Carnegie Mellon fires an innocent victim of police brutality in 2003 to cover up a perceived scandal

Hello, I have sent this to faculty of Carnegie Mellon since the Deans office would not respond. This is a very difficult for thing for me to, standing up for my rights and those of police is not easy. Standing against people who hate is not easy. Opposing a well funded institution such as a university is not easy either. I’d rather just play video games and make them, but sometimes in this life, you’re forced to make a stand. Please pray this resolves well. Thank you and I promise this is worth a read:

Due to the Deans office unwilling to respond, I’m revealing a clandestine scandal of Carnegie Mellon.

CMU fired me from my job in 2003 because CMU found out that I was a victim of a violence where police beat me up then sexually molested me.

The truth came out later that I had no drugs in me, I did not hit them they hit me, and the reason I did not pull to the side of the road was because it was a highway and chain reaction accidents happen.  Though the police did a cover up for over 40 felonies, I was not guilty of any of them.

CMU was well aware I did no crime.  CMU was aware that I was a victim.  Knowing their actions were illegal: CMU fired me from a low paying job at the career center. It will sound stuipid that I paid $100,000 to get a near minimum wage job and was happy, but I was.

It is against the law to fire someone for being a victim of police brutality. Though not illegal, it is actually far more immoral CMU to not have cleared my name.  Despite having written software since age 3 years old and being a high quality software engineer, after over 1000 resumes out and talking to 100 head hunters, I got no jobs in 10 years, and less than 5 interviews.  I quite literally never had my career start. I’m in my mid 40s, still have student loans. Last month I had two bank accounts each with a penny, ran out of food, water (my place has no running water), my vehicle would not start, and my family had to pick me up.  

I’m fighting through life okay now. My life situation is becoming more stable despite having tremendous problems this past year.  I’m trending up and I’ll survive and I’ll get by. I’m just opening up that CMU did me very wrong. CMU did me more wrong than police. I’d accept being punched in the face once every 3 months if it meant I could work a career and support a family. Knowing I was wronged, I stayed silent for 19 years.

I kept it silent for 19 years because as an Eagle Scout, I love police.I know if you hurt police PR, you hurt police. 
Uju Anya knows this, that’s quite literally her discipline to use words in order to screw up society or help it.  She’s a social linguistics professor… 
Her words have statistically destroyed property, murdered American citizens and uniformed police men and women.

I’m not sure why CMU illegally fired me in 2003, there wasn’t a scandal to cover up. I was innocent of all wrong doing. 
I stayed silent for 19 years to support police being innocent again. 

Now that CMU decides to enflame race riots and such, well I want people to know there are people such as myself who do stand for police.  By keeping my story quiet for 19 years I was able to keep Police Public Relations unbesmirched.  Now that police are in the news getting unfairly bad slander and people like Uju enflaming racial tensions, I can use my story for the betterment of society and stand up for police.  All these people shouting the police are bad and all these people shouting for race riots, well they aren’t very educated.
If you were educated, you’d know 100 people die to police a day world wide.  When CNN and the news rubbed your face in hate back in May 2020, they did it knowing how propaganda works.  If you focus on hate non stop, you get people hating back.  100 people die a day to police world wide every day, often for less of a crime than Floyd and often more brutally.  1000s of people die every day to doctors, but no one is calling for doctors to be outlawed. 

There’s a reason they’re pushing for hate of police, so people who do crimes here get prosecuted less.  When crimes are prosecuted less, people do more crimes.  I could explain the political ramifications of deliberate strike against America’s freedom that collaborates with crime and immigtation, but many people are already aware of current events and no need to lengthen this post.

Long story short there are political reasons people enjoy riots, destruction and death.  Anya’s statements statistically destroyed property, murdered American Citizens and Brave Uniformed Police Men and Women. She knows this because she is a professor of Cultural Linguistics aka the study of saying stuff to change society and no repercussions come back at you.  After enflaming racial tensions, she went to damage control on twitter, pulling the race card, gender card, country of origin card, and even sexual preference card while getting students tangled up to shield herself as if she was some sort of victim. This is her field of study,”Saying stuff to change culture and then saying stuff to get away with it:Cultural Linguistics”
As a man who spent 19 years not being able to start his career and staying silent knowing I was losing out by doing so….  I find it incredibly offensive CMU does not penalize a woman who pushes more hate, racism, death and division than any idiot you’d find at a dive bar. At least in the dive bar, that racist isn’t heard by anyone but a couple drunk patrons.  CMU gives a racist the ability to shout bullets that kill people around the world a platform.   There’s no reason she should even be doing this. 

In a time where the world has people dying because hate is rampant, Uju Anya throws as much gasoline on the fires of hate as she can.  Freedom of Speech allows you to say anything you want in the USA, but does not protect you from the consequences of what you say. Scream fire and induce a panic in a movie theatre? You go to jail.  What Uju Anya did was far more deadly than that. She knows it she teaches a class on how to literally murder real people with just words. I wonder if in lectures that she brags to her class on how they too can get away with murder too if they learn the cunning speach that she studies.

Look, I don’t know if I can sue CMU 19 years later on matters of police brutality and sexual molestation.  I don’t know statues of limitations.  I don’t know any lawyers.   I have to pursue looking into it though I guess.  I’ve contacted CMU numerous times in the past 19 years to clarify or maybe apologize to me.  CMU never once even got back to me, but I know they read it for CMU admins have had me censored on various social media to try and cover this up. I’m sorry I have to email everyone I can at CMU, but maybe they know lawyers.  Maybe they can help me get a lawyer, or they can forward this to as many people as they can too. Please forward all, please reply all.  In Social media, I only get censored.

In closing, each of us makes our own choices in life.  I believe love is greater than hate.  I believe being nice to people is greater the chase for money.  If I could have done things differently in the past 19 years, I would have not. I would have remained silent to support police.  We should be praying for our police, firefighters, paramedics,doctors, nurses, disease researchers and such.  We should not be thinking all this destruction around us is fun and games, or something to parade around and exploit for personal gain.  These are people’s lives, and words matter more than you know. There is a reason the pen is known as mightier than the sword.  Words you use can heal wounds or cause them.  Each of us as individuals must make decisions in life, sometimes very difficult ones.  It is not easy for me to write this letter or send it to many people I do not know, but I believe for the greater good of humanity, maybe more people will respect police.   Maybe more people will be brave and do the right thing instead of just chase the dollar, digging other people’s graves until they meet theirs.  Life ain’t about money, power tripping because you can say things you can get away with, or being a tyrant feeling the great illusion of control.  Life is about helping others, loving them, and even if things go bad for you, still loving and helping others.  May some of you learn that lesson here or later in life, because they don’t teach it at Carnegie Mellon.

Respectfully and Sincerely,
James Wilbur Sager III

If you want to read further or have an hour to listen to a podcast, I can help clear the fog of disinformation and explain how and why news and censored social media pushed hate and the race riots upon us. Never buy into hate and beware those who push it: