Know Jesus, No Fear

God loves you, but don’t think you can’t get on God’s bad side because he loves others too. So if you’re hurting and harming, he has to stop ya because he loves them too. God loves those who he punishes to correct. Those who do great evil and God never stops em, frustrates em or makes em think twice should be in great fear… for if God is not correcting you, that’s the scariest thing ever, as when the punishment comes, it will be huge. Now the elect, we that love everyone the best we can, screw up here and there, no big. Jesus forgives sins and as long as we’re trying to help everyone around us out of love, we cool if we slip up once in a while. Jesus died for our past evil, our current discrepancies and our future sins too. Never worry or fear with Jesus. Know Jesus, no fear. No Jesus, know fear.