BANNED ON TWITTER! For Predicting Polio Return

Watch this video for proof I predicted Polio returning

I was banned on twitter for predicting them sending polio back into the USA as #bioterrorism in May 2022. I’m no prophet. I just am an educated individual who uses rational and logical thinking. When you know how things interconnect then you just know what is coming based on what is going on.

Pay attention in school kids, I treated my education more seriously than just about anyone and is why I got a near perfect SAT and could have gotten a perfect SAT if I cared. Even my peers at Carnegie Mellon were awe struck by my intellect when in rocket science class I would do questions in one minute in my head that took them 5 hours scrawled across many pieces of paper and they didn’t get em right often. It took them 100 hours to do what I did in 20 and they gave me a look of fear. The most intelligent people on Earth looked at me in fear to my intellect God bestowed upon me… The same one IQ examiners gave me when I was in third grade inventing division and upper math to answer questions on the IQ exam. They actually got afraid and took the book off me and ran out of the room not to give me my IQ number. Anyone who really tries hard and prays hard will succeed in this life if not the next and the education you go for in K-12 and University is something more valuable than any material goods you could hope for.

So I’m just plain smart and education, a super genius, and I’m not boasting of myself, just God. God did literally make me one of the absolute smartest people on Earth, possibly because I video game a lot. Video games force problem solving skills in a constrained time thus giving you general logistical building blocks to solve general problems. I’ve been #1 some video games that were more intellectually demanding than chess. Again, I’m no prophet. God’s helped me see stuff in advance such as the corrupt downfall of society we live in now. God’s helped me see stuff like hope in the midst of a country turning more into Sodom and Gomorrah than Zion or even fallen Babylon.

Get your Polio vax, make sure it ain’t RNA. RNA vaxes work like mercury fillings work for filling teeth. Sure your teeth are fixed, but it has deleterious side effects to the rest of your health.

Remember this ain’t the first time I was banned on twitter. My bot that tweeted 2.5 million tweets about Jesus being awesome got banned. And I also got censored under unconstitutional USA hate speech laws in Twitter for saying,”God is love. Jesus loves you. We should all love each other.” Yes, Twitter used unconstitutional USA hate speech laws to say “Everyone should love each other” is hate speech. God has sent me to a really close up look of censorship algorithms and such. Thankfully God made me a computer science grad so I read em like a book, but for these really ironic and strange things for me to experience personally, well you have to see to believe. I recommend watching the above video and following links after:

If you want to see places I’ve been censored: It is pretty absurd what you’ll see. Just know that I worship the God of truth, in whom would punish for lying especially in his name. I try my best to always be truthful and cannot remember lying in the past 19 years since God has called me to be a follower of Jesus Christ.

Get your Polio vax, be calm, don’t get RNA, and be wowed that God shared one of the over 20,000 miracles I’ve experienced with you to confirm it for a fact! More miracles here and even proof of God in a way you may never thought about: You gotta be smart to understand it, so really pursue your education too! You don’t gotta be smart to know that love is the way and that Jesus is the most loving person who ever walked Earth. You can find God without intellect, but if you do have intellect and wonder why science hasn’t found God, it isn’t God’s fault, but faulty assumptions in scientists’ methods: