How many times do you hear,”I don’t believe in God because *insert bad theology*”?

In a way I feel deeply sorry for people who hold onto bad theology and don’t believe in God because of it. People have things so out of whack, I don’t blame them for not believing in God. If you don’t see God as all powerful, good, loving, and his ways above our ways, well then: maybe your reason for not believing him would be justified if your bad theology wasn’t what it was built upon.

You don’t see people going to a PHD in math and saying I think “1+1=3″ so math is wrong, gotcha! (unless you’re making a joke about reproduction). In the same way, you shouldn’t approach someone with superior theological knowledge and state something erroneous and then say because of my erroneous thinking this means God is wrong. I’m not saying it is even possible to gain such great theological knowledge that you can answer every possible question. I’m just saying to some,”The theology of Christianity is actually very solid. We’re dead to sin with Jesus on the cross as we’re judged guilty by the Law. However we’re alive to the Grace of God now. So we’re to be good and loving to all even if they’re not good and loving to us. This involves helping orphans and widows and all the downtrodden. And we’re to share the Good News of Jesus with them too so everyone can have hope: Even people with seemingly no hope in this life. Our home is not of this imperfect world, but of the next, and the only thing we get to keep for certain is love.”