God is love. Everything he does in love. Why did bad guys get punished in the Bible? To protect the ones trying to be good and loving.
God loves you. He loves you so much he gave up heavenly glory and unlimited pleasure for a lifetime that has been his forever even before the Earth began. He had a tough life, tempted in terrible ways, but never doing any evil. Jesus always did good when it was tough to do. Then Jesus was given a sham trial and was nailed to a cross to die while people mocked him. Jesus did not use power to leave the cross, but was the lamb of sacrifice to help even those mocking him while he was in intense searing pain. When Jesus died after a perfect life, that was it for evil, the devil lost and good has won.
Live on the victorious side. Follow Jesus. Embrace love. Help everyone you can. Pray about everything you can think of. If you have a heart of love, it will always come out good even when selfish. Live this life helping the suffering out of misery, and then in the next life, God will highly exhult you with a glorious body that your mind cannot imagine. Creation now has beautiful things in it, but just wait when God puts an extra dollop of glory into it all. Praise God! He loves us. Jesus is LORD!
God is real. Jesus loves you. Christ is not going to stay silent. If the Christians do not speak up for him and the way of love and goodness, the rocks would cry out.
Preach the way of goodness and love. Preach Jesus.
Bons: We’re only here for a little while
We’re only here for a little while. Serve God. Preach Jesus. Tell people there is hope in Jesus. Help people. Be an encourager. Let people in front of you in line at the grocery store. Open doors. Donate to the poor. This is the only side of eternity that we can help people out of their suffering so we should. Life is short, serve God.