Spiritual Milk: God loves you

John12:44 Jesus said in a loud voice, “Whoever believes in me believes not only in me but also in him who sent me. 45 Whoever sees me sees also him who sent me. 46 I have come into the world as light, so that everyone who believes in me should not remain in the darkness. 47 If people hear my message and do not obey it, I will not judge them. I came, not to judge the world, but to save it. 48 Those who reject me and do not accept my message have one who will judge them. The words I have spoken will be their judge on the last day! 49 This is true, because I have not spoken on my own authority, but the Father who sent me has commanded me what I must say and speak. 50 And I know that his command brings eternal life. What I say, then, is what the Father has told me to say.”

Jesus is good and loving. We see here that even if we screw up occasionally, but have Jesus, we’re fine. But if we think we’re mostly perfect and need no forgiveness for our flaws, we are sinning further against God. Well either way, God loves ya and wants you to be good and loving. He wants you to follow Jesus. God is merciful, but I wouldn’t want to reject the dude who champions the cause of goodness and love: Jesus.

You can become an awesome person yourself once you follow Jesus. You die to self and live for others. You try and earn resources to help others. You try and encourage everyone in their life and faith. Because God loves us, we can be satisfied. Then let us be cool and radiate that love around. Maybe if everyone actively loved everyone around them and didn’t think less of each other, the love would spread so much that hate would have less places to hide.

You can doubt a lot of things, but don’t doubt that Jesus loves you.

James 1:2 My friends, consider yourselves fortunate when all kinds of trials come your way, 3 for you know that when your faith succeeds in facing such trials, the result is the ability to endure. 4 Make sure that your endurance carries you all the way without failing, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. 5 But if any of you lack wisdom, you should pray to God, who will give it to you; because God gives generously and graciously to all. 6 But when you pray, you must believe and not doubt at all. Whoever doubts is like a wave in the sea that is driven and blown about by the wind. 7-8 If you are like that, unable to make up your mind and undecided in all you do, you must not think that you will receive anything from the Lord.

One who does good because of God will be blessed. If it was just us and God in a world that was not fallen, you’d see how direct this is. You’d make the connection that doing good means you get blessed. However, the devil and demons are always out to not let you make the connection. If you get suffering for doing good, you need to still cling to God. In this way, your blessings that did not come immediately will come later and be far more amplified.

The devil wants you to think doing good is of no benefit. The devil wants you so short sighted that you can only draw pleasure from sin which leads to sickness and death. The devil doesn’t want you fed from God, but to be fed poison to destroy you.

Pray for faith in God so you do not consume spiritual or physical poison. Pray for wisdom. Do not doubt that God loves you. Jesus died on the cross as a sign that he loves you. He will never leave you for a whim if he bore his back to the scourge, nails in his hands and wore a crown of thorns. Jesus loves you! Jesus is going to love you forever! Never doubt this. Avoid evil. Do good. Be loving.