There is a few things Christianity has over all other religions. The one I am focusing on now is love. Jesus is pure love and goodness. God is love. We do everything in love because we worship love. We act selfless and help everyone else. Amen.
Prayer of Forgiveness:
Forgive our complacency when people say all religions are the same. Maybe we can’t say something awesome all the time, but only God is real and all other religions are of false idols. God, forgive us for maybe not standing up for you in how we should. We don’t have to get into every argument, but we probably should resist some things.
Today’s Blessings:
May God give you the desires of your heart, especially those of healing and blessing your loved ones.
Prayer Cues:
Pray everyone sees the difference between love and hate.
Pray people seek love and not power and oppression.
Pray people find their way to Jesus.
Scripture of the Day:
John 13:35 If you have love for one another, then everyone will know that you are my disciples.
Luke9:26 “If you are ashamed of me and my teaching, then the Son of Man will be ashamed of you when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels.“
Tell a friend check out This counts as evangelism and can reap eternal rewards. Jesus warns about being ashamed of him. So be bold about God! God things matter more than even perceived social concerns.