How to Pray

Hello, in this article I will cover the right attitude in prayer. Not all prayers become reality, and this discourages some people. If you have the right attitude though, we know God’s will is greater than our will. God has bigger plans than we do. So if we respect God’s plan, will and ultimate authority, we can have the acceptance of when God says,”No” to our prayers. It has been said there is no unanswered prayer because God can say no.

Anyone can pray to God to some degree. You make God happy when you pray appropriately to him even if you haven’t accepted Jesus in your life yet. If you don’t have God though, you might pray incorrectly or hatefully and God doesn’t like that. Also there is value to the notion that if you’re in God’s will being loving to all, your prayer might have more power. James 5:16 GNT So then, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, so that you will be healed. The prayer of a good person has a powerful effect. Chronicles 2:14 if they pray to me and repent and turn away from the evil they have been doing, then I will hear them in heaven, forgive their sins, and make their land prosperous again. The question then becomes, how do we get into God’s will. How do we do what God wants us to?

What we should do is accept Jesus as LORD. We should love Jesus and thank him for his death on the cross for our behalf. We should repent of evil, and aim to do good on every occasion. We should love everyone we can. This is the beginning of service of God.

God can read your mind. So try your best to not hold negative thoughts against anyone. If you stumble into thinking bad about someone, pray blessings for them instead. It takes a lot of work to tame your mind from small selfish thoughts or the smallest traces of hate. If you can get your mind to pray for others as you think of them, and wish the best on all people, you can get further into God’s will.

One of the most important things you can do is read the Bible. The Bible is God’s living word and while you read it, God watches your thoughts. It is good to read the Bible as an exercise. Reading the Bible teaches you more about God, so you can form your own positive attitude towards God. The better an education you have about the LORD, the better you can form your philosophy towards living in his service.

One of the straightforward things we can do in service is to save up money and help the poor. Now some of us struggle with just getting through life and can’t get any savings at all. For the people who can live frugal and gather a savings though, donating to the poor is a demonstration of faith in God. God likes when we exercise our faith. Donating is an example of sacrificial living. If you volunteer to help those who are unfortunate or donate money, it shows your priorities. This helps you have the right attitude in prayer.

Finally, your focus should be on serving God and not yourself. It is sometimes okay for a person to have a selfish prayer here and there, but it should be the exception and not the common thing. We should be praying for others as our main prayer. We should pray for the poor to be fed. We should pray for the sick to be cured. We should pray that our leaders in charge of our country do what God wants them to do instead of acting selfish. We should pray for our friends and family to be protected from harm and to receive blessings. We should also pray for our friends’ and family’s friends and family to be protected. We should pray for chances to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with others. There are lots of good things you can pray for others, and they should be your major prayers.

A prayer doesn’t need to be elaborate and filled with eloquent words. Some of the best prayers can be short and to the point but have a deeper meaning. One such prayer was for Victor and I’s first book. I had all sorts of questions if our material was acceptable to God and if we can promote it. So I prayed,”God I hope everything is cool.” And it was answered in IM by Victor(who didn’t hear the prayer),”Everything is cool.” It isn’t even the words you use in your prayer so much as your intent. The Holy Spirit translates prayers perfectly to what you mean.

To conclude, in all our prayers, God’s will is final. Remember the the LORD’s Prayer. The LORD’s Prayer starts out,”Our Father who art in Heaven, Thy will be done” If we accept that God has the ultimate say if a prayer gets answered or not, we will have a good state of mind that is not sinful in this regard. Do not wait until you have everything lined up in your life though, pray while you strive to lead a Godly life. Also pray that your words and thoughts will become more acceptable to God. It is of great gain to have a close relationship with your Father in Heaven. Even a small amount of faith can do great things. Matthew 17:20 GNT “It was because you do not have enough faith,” answered Jesus. “I assure you that if you have faith as big as a mustard seed, you can say to this hill, “Go from here to there!’ and it will go. You could do anything!” You can pray that mountains are moved, but accept that God is working for a greater plan if they don’t.

-Jim Sager