Real Satisfaction

I’m satisfied. I make less than 20 grand a year. I have no wife. I have a recent medical condition where I’m constantly in pain (1-3 out of 10) that I’ll be getting checked out next week. It probably should be no big deal, prayers are cool, but I am in incredibly good spirits. I… Continue reading Real Satisfaction

Capitalism is not the problem. Greed is the problem.

Of the systems of an economy that are most effective, capitalism is up on top. It is more efficient than say communism because people only request resources they most want. It drives people to work more to satisfy their own appetites. This has a tendency to maximize production. The problem happens when people stop at… Continue reading Capitalism is not the problem. Greed is the problem.

Everything God Makes is Awesome, and He Made You!

Look I know God is real. I just do. Trust me. He sends dozens of supernatural miracles my way, some of which you can read at He sends me miracles that are hard to explain and edge case so I don’t document them on the web. He tells me out of control funny, trolly jokes… Continue reading Everything God Makes is Awesome, and He Made You!