Google vs Make a Wish Children

In the anti-trust lawsuit vs Google: A Make a Wish Child is one of the people Google trampled on. Google wouldn’t let a Make a Wish Child’s game stay on Android because it was not politically acceptable. But it’s only like Pokemon. He spent hundreds of hours on this game. I spent thousands just… Continue reading Google vs Make a Wish Children

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Trib Total Media acknowledged they slandered me with lies & refuse to correct it. My response.

Name redacted, This will sound strange, but I love you, and I feel pity for you. You have to feel terrible about this.  I hope you have better days and find Jesus Christ, the God of Love and Truth soon.  All my days are generally happy and joyful in love though I don’t have much. … Continue reading Trib Total Media acknowledged they slandered me with lies & refuse to correct it. My response.

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Join the Fight for Truth! Save the Internet Archive!

I have an actual avenue you can use as a regular folk to fight this destruction of history! Once you destroy the truth of history, people can lie more. We live in an Age of Disinformation, we cannot let the truth fall without a fight! Authors: Most authors on this list would not support… Continue reading Join the Fight for Truth! Save the Internet Archive!

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Happy Mothers’ Day

My mum’s getting older with some health conditions and I was gonna do the art + reflecting on history of how she helped me in life. Funny enough, life and her needing me over this week got in the way of those plans. That’s cool though because I’m falling back to old faithful, just spend… Continue reading Happy Mothers’ Day

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Micro Wisdom: On cleaning

When you clean, you find things you wanted, but maybe even forgot you did. As you put away things you don’t need often, you have less clutter and finding the things left around are things you want around you often. Our spiritual lives are like cleaning our house. Let go of the things that don’t… Continue reading Micro Wisdom: On cleaning

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Amazon vs. Christian Authors

Amazon runs a hard campaign of censorship vs Christian authors. I’ve seen it first hand. They refuse to show my books or even pay me when people do read on kindle or buy the books. There’s hundreds of articles like this because it happens to tens of thousands of people, and… Continue reading Amazon vs. Christian Authors

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China released a state department report about USA democracy then inadvertently confesses to COVID being Chinese bio-terror.

Original article directly from the Chinese state department at the recent Joe Biden Summit: I’ll cover some choice pieces of this article written by China expressing their desires that democracy has failed and needs to be replaced in the USA: China says: “In 2022, the vicious cycle of democratic pretensions, dysfunctional politics and a divided society… Continue reading China released a state department report about USA democracy then inadvertently confesses to COVID being Chinese bio-terror.

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A Matter of Perspective

Someone said,”Christians read the Bible to get close to God and Atheists read it to get further from God.” Since God says to always respond when you can, I responded: It takes wisdom to understand the Bible. You can ask two people to look at a flower. One says,”I got work, things to see, people… Continue reading A Matter of Perspective

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Teacher admits to being a part of a secret nationwide Child Exploitation Ring pushing school policies.

I’m going to be on the record that this is so gut wrenching sickening that I didn’t watch the whole thing. Click to watch: Liberal pedophile guys like this are in control of this nation. There’s nothing we can do but pray. This is New Sodom folks. I understand why people home school now.… Continue reading Teacher admits to being a part of a secret nationwide Child Exploitation Ring pushing school policies.

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FBI illegally calls Christians a hate group, guilty of using Social Media to censor Christians, breaks 1960s civil rights act, breaks the First Amendment. Yet they want to censor even more.

This post is in response to Joe Biden wanting every network online to be hardened and behest to the US government and Carnegie Mellon’s role in advancing this cybersecurity by taking in a big grant. Me: This kinda sucks actually because Biden wants to secure ALL networks to the government. We know the government got… Continue reading FBI illegally calls Christians a hate group, guilty of using Social Media to censor Christians, breaks 1960s civil rights act, breaks the First Amendment. Yet they want to censor even more.

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God told me that my 5 year Battle vs Censorship is won + Miracle inside

A few days ago, God spoke to me, John 1:9-11… The verse that says light came to walk among men, but those who walked in darkness could not understand. Then God put on my heart,”The tyrants have been exposed and you’re allowed/supposed to step down from constant speaking out against them. Things have changed, and… Continue reading God told me that my 5 year Battle vs Censorship is won + Miracle inside

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Noah’s Flood happened before all other Flood stories: Lesson in Oral History.

This article is a bit different. It’s an archive of comments I made on reddit explaining how the world having many historic flood myths after Noah gives credence to oral history. Moses wrote the story down on written history through guidance by God later, but Noah’s flood takes place quite literally before any other flood… Continue reading Noah’s Flood happened before all other Flood stories: Lesson in Oral History.

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