
        I think God is better than any being is possible to be, real or imagined.

        I even like serving God. When I was young, I liked feeding animals. Now that I'm older, I'm striving to make a company so I can feed people. Some people think that in serving God, you give up striving for worldly goods, but if you strive with moral integrity, the gains you can get can be used to help the poor.

        Jesus said we'll always have the poor, but he didn't say they'd be always starving to death without shelter. I think we can help solve this problem in our lifetime if enough people rise to the call.

        Without God, I'd probably be like the Romans, and enslave or be enslaved. Its easy to be good and loving to those around you when they're good and loving to you. But when everyone is acting the part of a sinner and are evil, its easy to take revenge. Worse still, if you actually find out that everyone is a sinner, you can get a low opinion of everyone such that people aren't worth helping. Thank God for Jesus. I love good so much more than anything. I like being good because my God is good. I can try to be good forever, and I'll be happy acting that way. Eternity surrounded by beings who are trying to be good (or are good after transformation), means everyone is helping each other out and cooperating forever. What amazing things might we experience surrounded by a multitude of good beings and God himself?

        God condescends to me personally too. When I pray to him using simple English terms, he understands my needs and wants as if they were beautiful words sung by Angels. I say this because God does help me and bless me in my life. All my prayers are not answered, and I think this is because it is not God's timing or the results of them would be bad. God treats the world and all that is in it very carefully. A man doesn't know how a butterfly flapping could change profound things elsewhere through chain reactions. God may not be aiming to make sure our lives are the maximally comfortable on Earth. Instead God may be aiming to save the maximum people on Earth. I think God could save every human being who ever existed, but no one knows who God will judge until the time comes. Sure if you accept Jesus and resist sin, you will not be judged. We can't know God's thoughts, they are above ours, but we can see the many things that God may be caring about that there is no way for our mind to understand.

        God is loving to us. So God wants what is best for us. If we show God we want to serve and obey him in everything we do by living a life for Jesus, we should not be surprised if blessings do happen. The sacrificial path we tread can have times of joy, even great joy that we didn't know we could have. God literally gets me high sometimes. In fact he just sent a shiver through my body, and uplifted me as I type this. Jesus was king of Heaven, yet he came down and died for our sins. If we don't expect a better treatment than Jesus, we should not be disappointed. Someone recently told me,"For the saved, Earth is the only Hell we'll ever know. But for the lost, Earth is the only Heaven they'll ever know." Life is short, and that is to our gain because we don't want to stay here forever anyway. Anything we could like on Earth that isn't sinful(hopefully we're not liking sinful things anyway), will be in Heaven glorified and better. And of course God will be in Heaven. How great will it be to share time with God? Think how great it will be to spend time with loved ones again in Heaven. Then think,"WOW! I get to meet God! God loves me more than is possible for any being to have the capacity to love me."

        God is worthy of worship like no one else is. Sure there will be prideful people who want worship, and there will be shameful people who do worship them, but this will pass. Nothing compares to God. God is love. Isn't love the best thing you can possibly experience. God is love throughout eternity. Isn't time the only thing that can make love better? I wonder if God's love grows over time or if there's an absolute cap on maximum love you can feel and he's there with us all. I know my love grows over time. I can't help it. I find something or someone I like and I stay with them. I'm like a little kid who sticks with what he likes and watches the same movie over and over again. Love keeps me attached to those who allow me to love them. And God is the perfect attractant to people who love love for he is love.

        The notion that God can do anything is nice, but I love his love and goodness. The biggest respect I have of God's power to do anything is that he defeated evil, and Eternity isn't going to be a constant battle between good and evil. Eternity isn't going to be highs and lows, sufferings and joys. Eternity is going to be a constant high with constant joy. God eliminated suffering eternally by bearing suffering on Earth. We don't know how much he suffered either. We do get the privilege of forever giving him praise. Our praise doesn't amount to much, but it is all we have to give. God will accept our praise.

        One thing I do like to pray is,"God, you are worthy of all this praise! God you are greater than everything. I know you're higher than the Heavens. I want to exhault you and let you know you're deserving of the greatness, so feel good about yourself!"
